Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
Electrical Valve Works Narrow term 91843 -
ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION CABINET Usually dating from the early 20th century these cabinets, sited alongside public highways, were used for the distribution of electricity for street lighting control and later for domestic use. In Wolverhampton these boxes also serviced the tram system. Preferred term 151464 -
ELECTRICITY GENERATING HALL A building or structure where electricity is generated. Preferred term 147543 -
Electricity Plant Narrow term 70822 -
ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production of electricity. Preferred term 91844 -
ELECTRICITY PYLON A tall, metal structure erected as a support for electric power cables. Preferred term 87459 -
ELECTRICITY SUB STATION Building containing transformers to reduce the high voltage of the National Grid to the lower voltage of domestic supply. Preferred term 69357 -
Electricity Works Narrow term 70823 -
Electro Plating Works Narrow term 91845 -
ELECTRONICS FACTORY A building or buildings where electronic components or devices are designed, developed, manufactured and assembled. Preferred term 135115 -
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A school in which elementary subjects are taught to young children. Preferred term 91846 -
ELEPHANT HOUSE A building used to accommodate elephants at a zoo or wildlife park. Preferred term 71393 -
Elephant Teeth Narrow term 78990 -
ELEPHANT TUSKS The large, pointed teeth, made of ivory, which are specially developed to protrude from the mouth of elephants. Preferred term 78991 -
Elevator Narrow term 164119 -
Elevator Narrow term 164120 -
Elim Church Narrow term 93998 -
ELLING HEARTH Small stone hearth set up in a shallow pit. Burns vegetation and coppiced twigs to produce potash. Preferred term 70824 -
ELLIPTICAL ARCH An arch which is half an ellipse. Preferred term 137732 -
Elliptical Arch Bridge Narrow term 122495 -
ELM Wood from the elm tree. Preferred term 109253 -
EMBANKED AVENUE A monument consisting of parallel banks, normally accompanied by ditches, which appears to mark out an approach to another monument or monuments. Preferred term 91847 -
EMBANKED PIT ALIGNMENT A pit alignment accompanied by a linear bank (or banks) running parallel and adjacent to the line(s) of pits. Preferred term 94020 -
EMBANKED STONE CIRCLE A circular arrangement of spaced stone uprights set within a high bank, often interrupted by a formal entrance gap. Preferred term 70191 -
EMBANKMENT A long ridge of earth, rocks or gravel primarily constructed to carry a roadway. Preferred term 87813 -
EMBANKMENT CROSS Earthworks of uncertain date and purpose, consisting of cross-shaped banks sometimes with an accompanying ditch. Their distribution is largely confined to North Yorkshire. Preferred term 70353 -
Embankment Steps Narrow term 91848 -
EMBARKATION BEACH Beaches used for the departure of troops and equipment for the D-day landings. Preferred term 143372 -
EMBARKATION HARD Special concrete loading ramps nicknamed 'hards' had been constructed along river banks, beaches and inlets to enable organised embarkation onto various types of landing craft to take place, irrespective of tides. Preferred term 143373 -
EMBARKATION POINT A site from which troops could be embarked onto transport vessels prior to the D-Day landings can also apply to muster/departure points from which troops embarked for their journey to the Front. Preferred term 143426 -

4051 - 4080 of 12,437 records.

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