These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
EMBASSY | The residence and office of an ambassador. | Preferred term | 91849 | - |
EMBATTLED MOULDING | A decorative moulding featuring a geometric pattern suggesting the crenelles and merlons of a battlement. | Preferred term | 137733 | - |
Embattlement | Narrow term | 137734 | - | |
Emblem | Narrow term | - | - | |
EMBOSSING STAMP | A stamp used to emboss paper. | Preferred term | 95375 | - |
Embrasure | Narrow term | 137735 | - | |
Embrasure | Narrow term | 94368 | - | |
EMERGENCY COAST DEFENCE BATTERY | A coastal battery constructed at short notice usually mounting a variety of artillery pieces. | Preferred term | 160397 | - |
EMERGENCY EXIT TUNNEL | A tunnel with strengthened construction, used as an emergency exit from a civil defence building. | Preferred term | 142965 | - |
EMERGENCY FOOD CENTRE | An establishment from which food is distributed to the public during wartime or similar states of emergency. | Preferred term | 140647 | - |
Emergency Hospital | Emergency Medical Scheme Hospital (WWII). For epidemics use INFECTIOUS DISEASES HOSPITAL. | Narrow term | 91850 | - |
EMERGENCY LANDING GROUND | A prepared area of cleared ground on which an aircraft could make an emergency landing. | Preferred term | 160508 | - |
Emergency Medical Scheme Hospital | Narrow term | 91851 | - | |
EMERGENCY PLANNING CENTRE | A structure, building or room within a building, used by a local authority for the continuance of local government in the event of a military or civil emergency. | Preferred term | 100539 | - |
EMERGENCY STORE | An establishment for the storage of food for use during wartime or similar states of emergency. | Preferred term | 167329 | - |
EMERGENCY WAR HEADQUARTERS | A site, complex or building which has been converted for use as the headquarters for the civilian authorities in the event of a nuclear attack or major natural disaster destroying the seat of government. | Preferred term | 167085 | - |
EMERGENCY WARD | A large room within a hospital set aside for emergency patients. | Preferred term | 103236 | - |
EMERGENCY WARD BLOCK | Use for blocks in Emergency Medical Scheme hospitals (WWII). | Preferred term | 91852 | - |
EMERGENCY WATER SUPPLY | A reservoir or tank used to hold a supply of water for fire-fighting purposes in the event of the main supply being damaged or cut off. | Preferred term | 140782 | - |
EMIGRANT SHIP | A passenger vessel equipped to carry a large number of emigrants usually with large third class decks and plenty of cargo space. | Preferred term | - | - |
EMIGRANTS | People who leave their native country to settle in another, often for financial or religious reasons. | Preferred term | 78993 | - |
Emporium | Narrow term | 91853 | - | |
ENAMEL WORKS | A building or site used in the production of enamelled goods. | Preferred term | 139028 | - |
ENAMELLING KILN | A low-temperature oven for the firing of metallic-based colour onto pottery after glazing. | Preferred term | 91854 | - |
ENCLOSED CREMATION CEMETERY | A cemetery of later prehistoric date comprising exclusively cremated human remains, some or all of which may be contained within pottery vessels. The cemetery area is partly or wholly surrounded by an earthwork bank and/or ditch. | Preferred term | 70057 | - |
ENCLOSED FIELD SYSTEM | A system of individually enclosed fields. | Preferred term | 68638 | - |
ENCLOSED HUT CIRCLE SETTLEMENT | A settlement showing evidence for one or more hut circles, enclosed by a distinct boundary ditch, wall, earth rampart or similar barrier. Characteristic of the later prehistoric period. | Preferred term | 68981 | - |
ENCLOSED OPPIDUM | A site with one or more defensive earthworks, often at a river crossing incorporating natural features which define parts of the curtilage. | Preferred term | 68745 | - |
Enclosed Platform Settlement | Use both terms. | Narrow term | 68982 | - |
Enclosed Port | Narrow term | 70831 | - |
4081 - 4110 of 12,437 records.