Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
EARTH CLOSET A wooden commode containing earth, which was used to cover and absorb human waste. An alternative, and rival, to the water closet. Preferred term 137722 -
Earthen Artillery Fort Narrow term 70818 -
Earthen Long Barrow Narrow term 70819 -
EARTHENWARE Ceramic vessels made from potash, sand, feldspar and clay which is biscuit fired at a temperature of around 1000 degree Celsius. Usually glazed in order to become watertight. Preferred term 140474 -
Earthenware Works Narrow term 70820 -
EARTHWORK A bank or mound of earth used as a rampart or fortification. Preferred term 70352 -
East India Company Sloop Narrow term - -
EAST INDIAMAN Name given to a vessel of the East India Company. Usually large, well built and magnificently decorated. Preferred term - -
EASTER SEPULCHRE A recess, usually situated in the north wall of a chancel, often canopied, containing a decorated tomb chest representing the burial and resurrection of Christ. Preferred term 140326 -
EASTERN ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL The principal Eastern Orthodox church in an area. Preferred term 91822 -
EASTERN ORTHODOX CEMETERY A burial ground for followers of the Eastern Orthodox church. Preferred term 91823 -
Eastern Orthodox Cemetery Chapel Narrow term 91824 -
EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH A place of worship for followers of the Eastern Orthodox churches. This family of churches separated from the Western church in the 11th century and recognizes the Patriarch of Constantinople. Preferred term 71761 -
EATING AND DRINKING ESTABLISHMENT For commercial or non commercial use. See narrow terms in each class. Preferred term 91825 -
EATING HOUSE A cheap restaurant. Preferred term 71755 -
EAVE The edge of a roof that hangs over the wall. Preferred term 137723 -
EAVES BOARD A board on the lower edge of a sloping roof which protects the top of the external wall. Preferred term 137724 -
EAVES DRIP GULLY A feature formed by water falling from the roof of a building and creating a linear or curving indentation in the ground. Preferred term 137725 -
Ebenezer Chapel Narrow term 91826 -
EBONY The hard, black, heavy wood of various tropical trees native to Africa and Asia, used in furniture manufacture and for making ornaments. Preferred term 83872 -
ECCLESIASTICAL OFFICE An office which administers the affairs of the church. Preferred term 91827 -
Ecclesiastical Palace Narrow term 70580 -
ECHINUS MOULDING An ovolo moulding below the abacus of a Doric or Ionic Capital. Preferred term 137726 -
ECOFACTS Animal, vegetable and mineral remains including edible materials, drink or residues and unworked imported objects which have been retrieved from archaeological contexts. Also soil samples taken for environmental analysis. Preferred term 97085 -
ECONOMIZER HOUSE A building housing an economizer, a machine designed to preheat water for boilers. Preferred term 111533 -
EDGE BLOWN WIND INSTRUMENT An instrument where the note is made by air being blown over an edge. Preferred term 97177 -
EDGE ROLL MOULDING A rounded or convex moulding, such as an ovolo or torus. Preferred term 137727 -
EDGE TOOL WORKS A factory or works used for the forging and sharpening of a variety of tools including scythes, spades, etc. Preferred term 69222 -
EDGED WEAPON A weapon with a sharp edge or point. Preferred term 97093 -
Editorial Office Narrow term 91828 -

3991 - 4020 of 12,437 records.

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