Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
EDUCATION Sites, buildings, structures & features relating to the provision of knowledge and skills. Preferred term 68693 -
Education Office Narrow term 91829 -
Eel And Pie Shop Narrow term 91830 -
Eel Coop Narrow term 121262 -
Eel Fork Narrow term - -
EEL SPEAR A two pronged spear for catching eels. Preferred term 97446 -
EEL STALL A stall where eels, either raw or cooked, are sold. Preferred term 91831 -
EEL TRAP A device with a funnel-shaped entrance designed for catching eels. Preferred term 91832 -
EFFIGY A sculptured likeness, portrait or image, often found on a tomb or other memorial. Preferred term 91833 -
EFFIGY A sculpture on top of a tomb etc. Preferred term 95732 -
Egg And Anchor Narrow term 137728 -
EGG AND DART Decorative ornamentation consisting of alternating oval and V-shaped motifs, used to enrich ovolo mouldings. Preferred term 137729 -
Egg And Leaf Narrow term 137730 -
Egg And Tongue Narrow term 137731 -
EGG CUP Preferred term 199999 -
EGG SHELL Use for the remains of an egg whether from a bird, reptile or amphibian. Preferred term 95088 -
EGGS A spheroid produced predominantly by birds, though also produced by some animals, which encases the young creature providing a place for it to develop. Preferred term 78989 -
EGYPTIAN GARDEN A garden incorporating Egyptian architectural features such as sphinxes and tomb-like features, etc. Preferred term 91834 -
ELEANOR CROSS One of 12 roadside crosses erected by Edward I in memory of his wife, Eleanor of Castile, the most famous being Charing Cross in London. Preferred term 91836 -
ELECTRIC ARC FURNACE A refractory lined furnace in which an electric arc is struck between the electrode and the metal to be melted. Preferred term 91837 -
Electric Cooperage Narrow term 91838 -
ELECTRIC ENGINE An engine in which the power is provided by electricity either in the form of batteries or direct from the mains supply. Preferred term 147307 -
Electric Generating Station Narrow term 91839 -
Electric Lamp Factory Narrow term 93933 -
Electric Light Works Narrow term 91840 -
Electric Theatre Narrow term 91841 -
ELECTRIC WINCH A hoisting mechanism powered by electricity. Preferred term 91842 -
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING WORKS A factory or plant used for the manufacture of electrical machinery or components. Preferred term 88453 -
ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FACTORY A factory manufacturing electrical equipment, such as engines, transformers and generators for use in industry. Preferred term 159238 -
ELECTRICAL GOODS FACTORY A site where small electrical goods such as radios, lamps and heaters are manufactured. Preferred term 93932 -

4021 - 4050 of 12,437 records.

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