These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
EXCISE OFFICE | A government office used for the collecting of excise tax/duty. | Preferred term | 91882 | - |
EXCLUSIVE BRETHREN MEETING HOUSE | A place of meeting and worship for Exclusive Brethren, an exclusive fundamentalist puritan sect which was created when the Brethren split in 1847. | Preferred term | 99543 | - |
Exdo Post | Narrow term | 103774 | - | |
Execution Cemetery | Narrow term | 70672 | - | |
EXECUTION SITE | A place where people were put to death. Use narrower monument type where known. | Preferred term | 68728 | - |
EXEDRA | An area of a garden with a semi-circular backdrop formed by an ornamental, architectural structure or a natural feature grown to the required shape eg. a hedge | Preferred term | 71586 | - |
EXEDRA | A semicircular niche or recess in a wall. | Preferred term | 137749 | - |
Exercise Ring | Narrow term | 163022 | - | |
EXERCISE YARD | A courtyard in a prison or workhouse for the inmates to take exercise. | Preferred term | 91883 | - |
EXERCISE YARD | A yard intended for the purpose of taking exercise, for example within the grounds of a prison. | Preferred term | 137750 | - |
EXHAUSTER HOUSE | A building forming part of a colliery ventilation system exhausting stale air from shafts and headings. | Preferred term | 78852 | - |
Exhibition Cottage | Narrow term | 91884 | - | |
EXHIBITION HALL | A hall used for housing public displays. | Preferred term | 68696 | - |
EXHIBITION PAVILION | A pavilion used for exhibitions, e.g. the exhibition pavilions at the Great Empire Exhibition, Wembley, 1925. | Preferred term | 91885 | - |
Exhibition Tent | Narrow term | 91886 | - | |
EXPERIMENTAL CRAFT | A craft built with the intention of demonstrating or advertising a novel design feature. | Preferred term | - | - |
EXPERIMENTAL HOUSE | A house built using experimental building techniques and materials. | Preferred term | 91887 | - |
Experimental Research Station | Narrow term | 91888 | - | |
Experimental Weapons Testing Site | Narrow term | 146349 | - | |
EXPLOSIVE WEAPON | A weapon which causes damage through exploding. | Preferred term | 97095 | - |
EXPLOSIVES | Manufactured goods, including shells, dynamite etc., containing substances which can be made to explode. | Preferred term | 78994 | - |
EXPLOSIVES FACTORY | A building or buildings where explosives are manufactured. | Preferred term | 90949 | - |
EXPLOSIVES MANUFACTURING SITE | Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production, testing and storage of explosives. | Preferred term | 99585 | - |
Explosives Storage Facility | Narrow term | 167063 | - | |
EXPLOSIVES STORE | A building used for the storage of explosives of a non-military function, eg. mining explosives, signal explosivres etc. | Preferred term | 94175 | - |
Explosives Works | Narrow term | 103973 | - | |
Exposure Platform | Narrow term | 118954 | - | |
EXTENDED DEFENCE OFFICER POST | An observation post for a naval officer in charge of a marine minefield. | Preferred term | 100540 | - |
EXTENDED INHUMATION | A form of inhumation in which the skeleton is laid out in an approximately straight line, whether face up, face down, or on its side. | Preferred term | 70034 | - |
EXTERNAL AREA OR SPACE | A space or area that is outside a building. | Preferred term | 137751 | - |
4201 - 4230 of 12,437 records.