These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
ENGRAVED OBJECT | A portable object of stone, bone, metal or other material featuring a deliberately engraved or incised design. | Invalid term | - | - |
ENGRAVING TOOL | A tool used to incise or ipress images. | Preferred term | 95757 | - |
ENTABLATURE | In the Classical Orders, the horizontal assembly of architrave, frieze and cornice carried upon columns and pilasters. | Preferred term | 137741 | - |
ENTERCLOSE | A passage between two rooms in a house or leading from the door to the hall. | Preferred term | 137742 | - |
ENTRANCE | A place of entry into a site, monument or building. | Preferred term | 137743 | - |
ENTRANCE BLOCK | A building forming part of a complex or larger establishment, such as a workhouse, that serves as an entrance equipped with facilities associated with procedures undergone by new arrivals. | Preferred term | 141281 | - |
ENTRANCE GRAVE | A form of Neolithic burial monument primarily found in Cornwall and the Scilly Isles. It comprises a round cairn, usually with a retaining wall or kerb, and an entrance leading directly into a chamber. | Preferred term | 70065 | - |
ENTRANCE HALL | The passage, area, lobby, room or vestibule into which a building's main entrance opens. | Preferred term | 137744 | - |
Entrance Lodge | Narrow term | 87695 | - | |
ENTRENCHING TOOL | A small tool with a shovel blade and a pick blade set at right angles to the handle. | Preferred term | 100155 | - |
Entrenchment | Narrow term | 70846 | - | |
EPAULETTE | An ornamental shoulder piece, usually a badge of military office. | Preferred term | 96687 | - |
Epicranitis | Narrow term | - | - | |
Epileptic Colony | Narrow term | 91864 | - | |
Episcopal Palace | Narrow term | 70581 | - | |
Epistyle | Narrow term | 137745 | - | |
Equestrian Statue | Narrow term | 91865 | - | |
EQUILATERAL ARCH | An arch whose height is equal to its span. | Preferred term | 137746 | - |
ERECTING SHOP | Engineering workshop used for the final assembly of vehicles or structures from parts produced elsewhere in an engineering works. | Preferred term | 71596 | - |
Erecting Workshop | Narrow term | 163021 | - | |
ESCALATOR | Staircase whose moving steps are driven mechanically whilst remaining permanently in a horizontal plane allowing users or objects to be moved effortlessly from one level to another, within or outside a building. | Preferred term | 159276 | - |
ESCAPE TUNNEL | A tunnel built to allow internees (in a camp, prison etc.) to escape. | Preferred term | 140809 | - |
ESCORT VESSEL | A warship used to provide an escort to other warships or merchant ships against attack. | Preferred term | - | - |
ESCUTCHEON | A decorative feature of a shield for armorial bearings. | Preferred term | 137747 | - |
Escutcheon | This appears on a number of objects, use appropriate term eg, bucket, keyhole, hanging bowl etc. | Narrow term | - | - |
ESPARTO GRASS | A grass, used in paper making, native to Spain and North Africa. | Preferred term | 84688 | - |
ESSENCE FACTORY | A factory, or group of buildings, containing apparatus used to extract specific properties, e.g flavour or scent, from natural ingredients. | Preferred term | 94170 | - |
Estate Agent | Narrow term | 91866 | - | |
Estate Boundary | Narrow term | 70598 | - | |
ESTATE BUILDING | A building situated within the estate of a manor or country house. | Preferred term | 91867 | - |
4141 - 4170 of 12,437 records.