These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
Grinding Wheel | Narrow term | - | - | |
GRINDSTONE | A revolving stone used to sharpen or polish by grinding. | Preferred term | 96370 | - |
GRINDSTONE | A large disc of stone revolving on an axis, used for grinding, sharpening and polishing. | Preferred term | 69479 | - |
GRIPPING EQUIPMENT | Equipment used to grip an object. | Preferred term | 97148 | - |
Grist Mill | Narrow term | 70747 | - | |
Gritstone Quarry | Use both terms. | Narrow term | 92159 | - |
GROCERS SHOP | A shop selling tea, butter, flour, sugar, spices, tinned foods and miscellaneous household stores. | Preferred term | 92160 | - |
Grocery Shop | Narrow term | 92161 | - | |
GROIN | The ridge formed at the intersection of two vaulted surfaces. | Preferred term | 138876 | - |
Grooms Cottage | Narrow term | 71727 | - | |
Grot | Narrow term | 92162 | - | |
GROTESQUE | A classical ornamentation featuring foliage, fruits and, unlike Arabesque, human and animal figures, sometimes fantastic or mythological in nature. The term may have originated from the fact that many examples of such ornamentation were found in grottoes. | Preferred term | 137828 | - |
GROTTO | A shady cavern built as a garden feature. In the 18th century it usually took the form of an artificial rocky cave or apartment decorated with stalactites and shells in a wild part of the grounds. | Preferred term | 69022 | - |
Groundnuts | Narrow term | 84285 | - | |
GROUP FILTER ROOM | A building, often with underground rooms, used to receive all reports of aircraft locations, to assimilate and assess this information in order to provide the most accurate possible picture to the Operations Room of a fighter or bomber Group. | Preferred term | 143447 | - |
GROUP HEADQUARTERS | A building used as a headquarters and reporting centre for an Army, Navy or Air Force Group. | Preferred term | 100543 | - |
GROYNE | A structure extending into the sea for the purpose of preventing further movement of washed up sand and shingle. | Preferred term | 70608 | - |
GRUBENHAUS | A timber building based around a sunken hollow, the floor of which may have been suspended above the hollow to counteract dampness. Grubenhauser are believed to date from the 5th to 8th centuries AD but may be earlier. Use Grubenhauser as plural. | Preferred term | 68927 | - |
Gryse | Narrow term | 92163 | - | |
GUANO | The excrement of seabirds and bats used as a fertilizer. | Preferred term | 79029 | - |
Guano Works | Narrow term | 92164 | - | |
GUARD CHAMBER | A room frequently in a military building where sentries guard and protect the premises. | Preferred term | 137829 | - |
Guard Post | Narrow term | 70929 | - | |
Guard Room | Narrow term | 160503 | - | |
GUARD TOWER | A watchtower used to guard prisons, camps or other facilities. | Preferred term | 159204 | - |
GUARDHOUSE | A building used for the accommodation of a military guard and/or the detainment of prisoners. | Preferred term | 68885 | - |
Guards Chapel | Narrow term | 92165 | - | |
Gudgeon | Narrow term | 139642 | - | |
GUEST COTTAGE | Cottage provided for guests to a country house. | Preferred term | 92166 | - |
GUEST HOUSE | A separate residence for guests, a house on a private estate or a monastery building specifically for receiving visitors. | Preferred term | 68791 | - |
5281 - 5310 of 12,437 records.