Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
GENERAL SERVICE SHED 1st World War end-opening aeroplane hangar. Preferred term 146326 -
GENERAL STORE A shop selling a variety of goods and merchandise. Preferred term 92114 -
Generating Station Narrow term 87476 -
GENERATOR HOUSE A building housing a generator. Preferred term 97277 -
GENTLEMENS CLUB A building with a range of facilities for the exclusive use of its all-male membership. Rooms were often provided as offices or short term accommodation, and the club could be used for business or social gatherings. Preferred term 71568 -
Gentlemens Subscription Library Narrow term 92115 -
GEOLOGICAL MARKS Soil marks and other features of natural origin, including periglacial frost wedging, solifluction deposits, abandoned water courses, etc, recorded to avoid future confusion with features of human origin. Preferred term 70386 -
GEOLOGICAL SAMPLE A sample consisting of minerals, stones etc. Preferred term 99617 -
GEOMETRY INSTRUMENT Instruments used within geometry, geometrical drawing and navigational mapping. Preferred term 97140 -
GERIATRIC HOSPITAL A specialist hospital where the elderly receive medical treatment. Preferred term 92116 -
German Institute Narrow term 92117 -
Giant Order Narrow term 137822 -
GIBBET A structure for hanging criminals, often used to suspend criminals after execution, consisting of one upright post with an arm. Preferred term 95720 -
GIBBET An upright post with projecting arm from which the body of a criminal would be hung in chains after execution. Preferred term 68731 -
GIBBS SURROUND An architrave surrounding a door, window or niche interrupted by large blocks of stone, and often by a massive keystone set under a pediment. Named after the architect James Gibbs (1682-1754). Preferred term 138875 -
Gig House Narrow term 71735 -
GIG MILL A woollen mill in which the cloth was passed over rollers covered in short spikes to raise the nap in one direction only. Preferred term 162728 -
Gigantic Order Alternative name for the Tuscan Order according to Vincenzo Scamozzi. Not to be confused with COLOSSAL ORDER. Narrow term 138965 -
GILBERTINE CELL A residence of two or three monks of the Gilbertine order dependent on an English mother house. Preferred term 70130 -
GILBERTINE DOUBLE HOUSE A priory of Gilbertine double order of nuns and canons. Preferred term 70139 -
GILBERTINE GRANGE An outlying farm or estate belonging to the Gilbertine order. Preferred term 83692 -
GILBERTINE MONASTERY An abbey or priory of Gilbertine monks. Preferred term 70159 -
GILBERTINE NUNNERY An abbey or priory of Gilbertine Nuns. Preferred term 70909 -
Gilbertine Priory Use PRIORY and GILBERTINE DOUBLE HOUSE or GILBERTINE MONASTERY. Narrow term 70910 -
Gilbertine Priory Cell Narrow term 92118 -
GILL A measure for liquid, usually for a quarter of a pint. Preferred term 100124 -
GIMLET A small tool for boring holes with a cross handle and a screw tip. Preferred term 97011 -
GIN An alcoholic beverage distilled from grain or malt and usually flavoured with juniper berries. Preferred term 79014 -
Gin Case Narrow term 92119 -
Gin Circle Use both terms. Narrow term 70911 -

5071 - 5100 of 12,437 records.

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