Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
GLASSWARE Articles, particularly drinking vessels, manufactured from glass. Preferred term 88466 -
GLAZE AND REEL HOUSE A building containing equipment used for the polishing of grains of gunpowder and extraction of the resulting dust. Preferred term 83196 -
GLAZING BAR A moulded bar or baton dividing the panes of glass within a window light. Preferred term 139784 -
Gliding Club Narrow term 162961 -
Gliding Clubhouse Use both terms. Narrow term 162992 -
Glory Narrow term 138836 -
Glost Kiln Narrow term 92128 -
GLOVE A covering for the hand. Preferred term 96640 -
GLOVE FACTORY A factory where gloves are manufactured. Preferred term 69398 -
GLOVERS COTTAGE The residence of a glover. Preferred term 93994 -
GLUE FACTORY A factory where glue is produced. Preferred term 69195 -
GLYCERINE A colourless, thick sweet liquid used in the manufacture of chemicals. Preferred term 83960 -
GNOMON A pillar, rod, pin, or plate of a sundial, showing time by its shadow. Preferred term 95359 -
GOAD A spiked stick, the spiked tip frequently of metal, used to urge livestock forward. Preferred term 95681 -
GOAL POST ENCLOSURE A single ditched 3-sided rectilinear enclosure. Preferred term 78211 -
GOBLET A container for drinking, with a base and stem but without handles. Preferred term 96782 -
GOGGLES Protective eyewear. Preferred term 96696 -
GOLD A yellowish, tarnish-resistant precious metal used to make jewellery and coins. Preferred term 79018 -
GOLD COIN Gold fashioned into coins for use as currency. Preferred term 111793 -
GOLD DUST Very fine particles of gold. Preferred term 84045 -
GOLD MINE A place where gold ore is extracted. Preferred term 69262 -
Gold Specie Narrow term 79020 -
GOLD WEIGHT Weight used for weighing specific quantities and qualities of gold. Preferred term 97372 -
GOLDSMITHS WORKSHOP A place where gold is worked into articles or products. Preferred term 69234 -
GOLF BUNKER An obstacle on a golf course constituting a hazard. Usually taking the form of a sand trap or dirt mound. Preferred term 162544 -
GOLF CLUB A golf course, clubhouse and ancilliary buildings. Preferred term 71642 -
Golf Clubhouse Use both terms. Narrow term 162994 -
GOLF COURSE A prepared area of ground used to play the game of golf on. Preferred term 69943 -
GOLF LINKS A golf course, usually situated on or near the coast, consisting of sand dunes with few trees or water obstacles. Preferred term 162984 -
Gong Narrow term 92129 -

5131 - 5160 of 12,437 records.

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