Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
GIN PALACE An ornate public house that developed in the 1830s after the passing of a law to encourage the drinking of beer in alehouses licensed for the sale of beer only. Preferred term 92120 -
Gin Wheel Narrow term 70913 -
Gingang Narrow term 92121 -
GINGER The stem of the plant Zingiber officinale, with a characterisitc hot and peppery taste, used in cookery and medicine. Preferred term 83792 -
GIOCHI D'ACQUA A water feature intended to play a trick on a visitor by drenching them unexpectedly. The device would be triggered by the visitors foot or remotely. Italian for 'water jokes'. Preferred term 159285 -
Gipciere Narrow term - -
GIRAFFE HOUSE A building in a zoo or wildlife park used to accommodate giraffes. Preferred term 92122 -
GIRDER BRIDGE A bridge supported by large beams or girders, originally of wood or iron, now usually of steel or reinforced concrete. Preferred term 94206 -
GIRDERS Beams of wood, iron, steel etc., used in the construction industry. Preferred term 83946 -
GIRDING BEAM A beam that is part of a frame in a wall. Preferred term 137823 -
GIRDLE A form of belt or sash worn to hold in garments. Preferred term 96624 -
Girdle Fastener Narrow term 97371 -
GIRDLE HANGER T shaped piece of bronze imitating a key and hung from a chatelaine. Preferred term 96695 -
Girls Club Narrow term 92123 -
Girls Home Use appropriate term. Narrow term 92124 -
GIRTH A strap passing underneath the animal to hold saddle in place. Preferred term 95662 -
GLACIS An artificial mound of earth outside a ditch or wall intended to deflect or absorb cannon fire. Preferred term 92125 -
GLAIVE A weapon which is a blade fixed to a long handle. Preferred term 95194 -
GLASS Hard, transparent, brittle substance manufactured by fusing soda or potash with other ingredients. Used for glazing windows and in the manufacture of drinking vessels. Preferred term 79015 -
GLASS CONE A conical brick structure in which glass articles were made. Preferred term 70915 -
Glass Factory Narrow term 92126 -
Glass Foundry Narrow term 70916 -
GLASS FURNACE A furnace for the manufacture of glass. Includes glass cones, open hearth and oil-fired furnaces. Preferred term 69088 -
Glass Kiln Narrow term 70917 -
GLASS WORKING DEBRIS The debris resulting from the production of glass. Preferred term 97573 -
GLASS WORKING SITE A site used for the production and/or working of glass. Preferred term 69090 -
GLASS WORKS A site where all the processes for the production of glass and objects made from glass are carried out. Preferred term 69091 -
GLASSHOUSE A building made chiefly of glass, used to grow plants and fruit in. Use more specific type where possible. Preferred term 70918 -
Glassite Chapel Narrow term 99563 -
GLASSMAKING SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production of glass. Preferred term 92127 -

5101 - 5130 of 12,437 records.

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