Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
GUEST WING A seperate wing of a large house provide accommodation for guests. Preferred term 143430 -
Guibal Fan Narrow term 143582 -
GUIBAL FAN HOUSE A ventilating fan house with an expanding chimney. Preferred term 144462 -
Guide Plate Narrow term 70932 -
Guide Post Narrow term 70934 -
Guide Stone Narrow term 92167 -
Guidepost Narrow term 92168 -
Guidestone Narrow term 152509 -
GUILD CHAPEL A place of worship for members of a guild. Preferred term 71658 -
Guild House Narrow term 92169 -
Guild Of The Holy Cross Chapel Narrow term 92170 -
GUILDHALL Traditionally, the hall of a crafts, trade, or merchants' guild. Nowadays, often used to describe a TOWN HALL. Preferred term 68706 -
GUILLOCHE A decorative ornamentation of interlaced bands in the form of a plait. Preferred term 137830 -
GUILLOTINE LOCK A lock where the gates rise vertically. Rarely found on canals but common on navgable rivers in the Fens, particularly the river Nene. Preferred term 92171 -
GUISARME A long handled weapon which has a long blade in line with the shaft, sharpened on both sides and ending in a point. Preferred term 95190 -
GUITAR A stringed instrument with a fingerboard which has frets on it. Preferred term 95481 -
GULLY A usually shallow cut linear feature often used for drainage. Preferred term 137831 -
GULLY A deep gutter, drain or sink. Preferred term 70935 -
GUM A substance secreted by some plants which hardens upon drying but is soluble in water. Preferred term 79030 -
Gun Narrow term - -
Gun Barrel Proof House Narrow term 92172 -
Gun Battery Narrow term 70568 -
GUN BRIG A small sailing vessel armed with guns. Preferred term - -
Gun Carriage Store Narrow term 92173 -
Gun Cotton Mill Narrow term 143383 -
GUN EMPLACEMENT A fortified site in which a gun, mortar or cannon is positioned. Preferred term 68886 -
GUN EMPLACEMENT (TYPE 55414) A gun emplacement which conforms to Department of Fortification and Works drawing number 55414. Preferred term 160227 -
GUN EMPLACEMENT (TYPE 55415) A gun emplacement which conforms to Department of Fortification and Works drawing number 55415. Preferred term 160228 -
GUN EMPLACEMENT (TYPE 55422) A gun emplacement which conforms to Department of Fortification and Works drawing number 55422. Preferred term 160229 -
GUN EMPLACEMENT (TYPE 55483) A gun emplacement which conforms to Department of Fortification and Works drawing number 55483. Preferred term 160230 -

5311 - 5340 of 12,437 records.

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