Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH A place of worship for members of the Greek Orthodox Church, the national church of Greece. Preferred term 92150 -
Green Narrow term 140298 -
Green Charge House A storehouse for components used in the manufacture of gunpowder. Narrow term 92151 -
GREEN MAN A sculpture, drawing, or other representation of a face surrounded by or made from leaves and branches or vines. Green Men are frequently found on carvings in both secular and church buildings, and are though to represent pagan fertility deities. Preferred term 164398 -
Greencoat School Narrow term 92152 -
GREENGROCERS SHOP A shop which sells vegetables and fruit. Preferred term 92153 -
Greenhouse Narrow term 68562 -
Greenway Narrow term 70812 -
Grees Narrow term 92154 -
GRENADE A small explosive device, usually hand thrown. Preferred term 95189 -
GRENADE RANGE An area of ground where training in the use of grenades can be carried out. Preferred term 160513 -
Grey Warehouse A building for the storage of unbleached, untreated fabric. Narrow term 94010 -
Greycoat School Narrow term 92155 -
GREYHOUND STADIUM Stadium housing a track and associated buildings and structures for the public racing of greyhounds. Preferred term 141039 -
Greyhound Track Narrow term 162989 -
GRID IRON A metal grid, usually iron, used to support pots over a fire. Preferred term 97373 -
GRIDDLE A metal plate, usually circular, used for cooking. Preferred term - -
Griddle Plate Narrow term - -
GRIDIRON A heavy framework of parallel beams used to support a ship in dock. Preferred term 92156 -
GRILLE An open grating of wrought iron, bronze or wood, forming a screen to a door, window or other opening, or used as a divider. Preferred term 92157 -
GRILLE An open grating of wrought iron, bronze, wood etc., forming a screen to a door, window or other opening, or used as a divider. Preferred term 140306 -
GRILLE A screen used to decorate or protect an opening. Preferred term 96450 -
Grinder Use appropriate term. Narrow term - -
GRINDERY A place for sharpening metal objects like tools and weapons. Preferred term 140101 -
GRINDERY DEALERS SHOP A shop housing the business of a grindery dealer. Grindery are the tools and materials used by shoemakers and other leather-workers. Preferred term 140057 -
GRINDING EQUIPMENT Equipment used in the grinding of cereal to produce foodstuffs. Preferred term 97145 -
GRINDING HOUSE A building for the crushing of stones and minerals. Preferred term 92158 -
Grinding Mill Use Grinding House for a place material is crushed and Grindery for a place where metal objects are sharpened. Narrow term 140103 -
GRINDING ROOM A room where usually materials or consumables are processed into tools or meal, for example in a workshop or mill. Preferred term 137827 -
Grinding Stone Narrow term - -

5251 - 5280 of 12,437 records.

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