Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
GONG A metal disk with a turned rim, giving a resonant note when struck. Preferred term 95414 -
GOODS General merchandise and saleable commodities. Use more specific type where known. Preferred term 111773 -
GOODS CLEARING HOUSE A building in which goods were kept prior to being cleared by customs officers. Preferred term 92130 -
Goods Departure Warehouse Narrow term 92131 -
Goods Depot Narrow term 70919 -
GOODS SHED A building in which railway wagons can unload local goods. Preferred term 70238 -
GOODS STATION A railway station or platform built specifically for the loading and unloading of goods. Preferred term 87721 -
Goods Station Office Narrow term 92132 -
Goods Warehouse Narrow term 92133 -
GOODS YARD A site where merchandise and goods are temporarily stored before or after transportation by rail. Preferred term 70239 -
Goose House Narrow term 92134 -
GOOSE PEN An enclosure or pen for confining geese. Preferred term 92135 -
GOOSEHOLE A type of goose pen with stone-clad compartments, built into the base of a Cornish hedge near the periphery of a farmstead. Aspect is often towards entrance track or driveway since geese were used in similar role to guard dogs. Particular to Cornwall. Preferred term 164360 -
Gospel Hall Narrow term 87734 -
GOUGE A tool with a sharp, concave edge for shaping wood, stone or metal. Preferred term 96934 -
Government Building Narrow term 92136 -
GOVERNMENT OFFICE The offices of a Government Department responsible for the administration of the country. Preferred term 71671 -
GOVERNMENT STORES Supplies owned by, or for the use of, the government. Preferred term 79021 -
GOVERNOR A device which automatically controls a particular funtion within a machine or mechanism, such as regulating the gap between millstones in a windmill. Preferred term 139532 -
GRAB DREDGER A dredger with a grab hung on ropes or chains giving it unlimited depth of excavation. they can lift solids or pieces of wreckages and can work close to ships or to a dock wall. Preferred term - -
GRADUATE HOUSE A place where students live, sometimes on a college campus. Preferred term 92137 -
GRAFFITI Casual scribbles or pictographs on ancient walls, stones or other surfaces. In more recent times applied to humourous, satiric or obscene writings or drawings executed anonymously in public places. Preferred term 70373 -
GRAFFITO An inscription on illustration applied to a wall by carving into its plaster to reveal a different colour beneath. Preferred term 139798 -
GRAIN Collective name for the seeds of various cereal grasses. Preferred term 79022 -
GRAIN DRIER A building or room within a granary used to dry grain. Often consisting of an oven with a refractory-brick drying floor above, on which the grain was placed. Preferred term 71436 -
GRAIN ELEVATOR A machine used for the loading and unloading of grain to and from a warehouse Preferred term 71776 -
GRAIN ELEVATOR A craft on which is a machine for the loading and unloading of grain to and from a warehouse. Preferred term - -
GRAIN MEASURE A container holding a set quantity used specifically for measuring grains or cereal. Preferred term 95356 -
GRAIN RUBBER A shaped stone, which could be hand held, used in combination with a saddle quern to grind or rub grain. Preferred term 95779 -
GRAIN SILO A tower used to store grain in. Preferred term 92138 -

5161 - 5190 of 12,437 records.

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