Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
CHAIN MOULDING A decorative moulding in the form of a chain. Preferred term 137535 -
CHAIN PROVING HOUSE Building housing apparatus for testing chain links. Preferred term 71588 -
CHAIN PUMP An early design of pump featuring a series of pistons, or sometimes bundles of rags, passing through a barrel on a continuous chain, forcing water upwards. Preferred term 137536 -
CHAIN SHOP A building in which wrought iron or steel chains were manufactured. Preferred term 91418 -
Chain Testing House Narrow term 91419 -
Chain Tower Narrow term 68847 -
CHAIN WORKS A site where wrought iron or steel chains were manufactured. Preferred term 69217 -
Chainmakers Workshop Narrow term 91420 -
Chainmaking Workshop Narrow term 91421 -
Chainshop Narrow term 91422 -
CHAIR A single seat with a back, sometimes also arms. Preferred term 96532 -
CHALET A Swiss-styled house, usually with steeply pitched and projecting roof. Preferred term 91423 -
CHALICE A stemmed cup used for holding the wine during communion. Preferred term 95877 -
CHALK Soft limestone consisting almost entirely of calcite. Preferred term 78942 -
CHALK BALL A ball of chalk found on Neolithic sites. Preferred term 95106 -
Chalk Crushing Mill Narrow term 140296 -
Chalk Figure Narrow term 70678 -
Chalk Horse Narrow term 70679 -
CHALK PIT A place from which chalk is extracted. Preferred term 69058 -
Chalk Quarry Narrow term 91424 -
Chamber Narrow term 137537 -
CHAMBER BLOCK An area of several rooms in a medieval house or building. Probably for domestic use. Preferred term 151925 -
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE A building housing a board organized to protect the interests of commerce. Preferred term 91425 -
CHAMBER POT A container used as a lavatory. Preferred term 96533 -
CHAMBERED BARROW A Neolithic burial monument comprising a stone-built chamber within an earthen mound. Use more precise term where known. Preferred term 70002 -
CHAMBERED CAIRN A Neolithic burial monument comprising a stone-built chamber within a mound of stones. Use more precise term where known. Preferred term 70045 -
CHAMBERED GRAVE Saxon rectangular burial chamber comprising a large sunken 'room' lined with wood. 6th and 7th century AD. Preferred term 140222 -
CHAMBERED LONG BARROW A Neolithic burial monument comprising a stone-built chamber within a rectangular or trapezoidal earthen mound. Preferred term 70003 -
CHAMBERED LONG CAIRN A Neolithic burial monument comprising a rectangular or trapezoidal stony mound which contains either a passage at one end with or without lateral chambers, or one or more smaller chambers entered from the side of the mound. Preferred term 70046 -
Chambered Mound Narrow term 70680 -

2221 - 2250 of 12,437 records.

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