Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
Cathedral Choir School Narrow term 91390 -
Cathedral Church Narrow term 91391 -
CATHEDRAL CLOSE An enclosed area of ground immediately surrounding a cathedral. Preferred term 69976 -
CATHEDRAL PRECINCT An area of ground immediately surrounding a cathedral. Preferred term 69977 -
Cathedral Priory Use both terms. Narrow term 91392 -
CATHETER A long, slender, flexible tube for inserting into a body cavity for the introduction or withdrawal of fluids. Preferred term 95262 -
CATHOLIC APOSTOLIC CHURCH A nonconformist church for the followers of Edward Irving. Preferred term 94370 -
Catholic Cathedral Narrow term 91393 -
Catholic Chapel Narrow term 91394 -
Catholic Church Narrow term 91395 -
Catholic College Narrow term 91396 -
Catholic School Narrow term 87722 -
CATS HEAD MOULDING A decorative moulding depicting an animal or bird head, similar to a beak head moulding but with a shorter, cone-like tongue or beak overlapping the moulding set beneath it. Preferred term 137522 -
CATSLIDE ROOF A roof with one side longer than the other, continuing at the same pitch over an extension to a building. Commonly found in New England Colonial architecture. Preferred term 137523 -
Cattery Narrow term 91397 -
CATTLE Large mammals of the genus Bos, domesticated to provide milk, beef and materials eg. leather. Use only for live animals. Preferred term 78936 -
CATTLE DOCKS Pens for housing cattle awaiting transportation. Preferred term 91398 -
CATTLE FODDER Dried produce especially, hay, straw etc. used to feed cattle. Preferred term 78937 -
Cattle Fodder Factory Narrow term 91399 -
CATTLE GRID A pit in a road or trackway covered with a grid, usually of metal poles (but can be of wood or stone) with sufficient space between the poles to prevent animals from crossing, without restricting access for vehicles and people. Preferred term 111593 -
Cattle Market Narrow term 70662 -
Cattle Nasal Bone Narrow term - -
CATTLE PEN An enclosure for cattle. Preferred term 91400 -
Cattle Shed Narrow term 71360 -
CATTLE SHELTER An open sided building known to have been used for sheltering cattle. Preferred term 71361 -
CATTLE STALL A stall, often within a cow house, where cattle are kept individually. Preferred term 94127 -
CATTLE TROUGH A long metal or stone vessel for cattle to drink water from. Preferred term 91402 -
Cattle Wash Narrow term 91404 -
Cattle Whip Narrow term - -
Cattle Yard Narrow term 162574 -

2101 - 2130 of 12,437 records.

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