Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
CENTRAL STAIRCASE PLAN A plan in which the staircase is placed at the centre of the building. Preferred term 137533 -
CENTRE OF RESISTANCE An area, often a village, with fixed defences such as pillboxes, anti tank ditches and gun emplacements, designed to stop the advance of an enemy force and to hold out for an agreed period of time. Preferred term 143223 -
Centre Valve Steam Engine Narrow term 137534 -
CENTURIAL STONE An inscribed marker stone found on Hadrian's Wall. Preferred term 95728 -
CENTURIAL STONE An inscribed marker stone found on Hadrian's Wall. Preferred term 68760 -
CENTURIATED AREA An area of land which retains distinctive large-scale rectilinear land divisions characteristic of Roman agriculture. Generally aligned with the course of a Roman road. Preferred term 68636 -
Centuriation Narrow term 70673 -
Ceramics Factory Narrow term 70674 -
CEREAL Any of the plants of the grass family, Graminae, cultivated for their edible seeds, especially corn, wheat etc. Preferred term 78941 -
CEREAL FACTORY A factory built for the production of breakfast cereals. Preferred term 162727 -
Ceremonial Arch Use both terms. Narrow term 68761 -
CEREMONIAL MAST The rigging mast of a sailing ship erected as a monument. Used for naval displays. Preferred term 94183 -
CEREMONIAL OBJECT An object with a ceremonial or symbolic function. Multiple index with specific object where possible, eg for a ceremonial battleaxe index as ceremonial object and battleaxe. Preferred term 100065 -
CEREMONIAL PLATFORM A structure used for music, dance, ceremonial or civic events. Preferred term 93940 -
CEREMONIAL STAFF A staff used for ceremonial purposes, often highly decorated. Preferred term 95878 -
CESS PIT A pit for the reception of night-soil and refuse. Preferred term 70434 -
CESS POOL A covered pit into which raw sewage is discharged. Preferred term 91417 -
CHAFERY Reheating of iron from a finery, for rolling or slitting. Preferred term 69226 -
CHAFF HOUSE An area within a building (usually the barn or stable) for storing husks from the grain crop (chaff) for animal feed after it has been threshed and winnowed in the barn. Preferred term 71411 -
CHAFING DISH A vessel with heating apparatus beneath it, for cooking or keeping food warm at the table. Preferred term 96231 -
CHAIN A series of connecting metal links. Preferred term 96246 -
CHAIN A series of links joined together to form something that is flexible and strong. Usually metal, chains have a variety of uses but usually involve joining one item to another. Preferred term 83449 -
Chain Bridge Narrow term 70675 -
Chain Defence Narrow term 119075 -
CHAIN HOME EXTRA LOW STATION A radar station with sets operating on a wavelength of 10cm or less. They were highly accurate radars and gave better sea level coverage than the earlier Chain Home Low stations. Preferred term 160398 -
CHAIN HOME LOW STATION A radar station with sets operating on a wavelength of 1.5m. Chain Home Low Stations were intended for use in locating low-flying aircraft but was also capable of detecting high-flying aircraft. Preferred term 160399 -
CHAIN HOME STATION Part of the WWII air defence radar system, whereby in 1939 a chain of radar stations were established along the south and east coast of Britain. The equipment was based upon apparatus developed for ionospheric research. Preferred term 139766 -
Chain Link Narrow term - -
CHAIN LOCKER SHOP A building for the storage, repair and maintenance of chains for lighthouses, lightships and lightbouys. Preferred term 94402 -
Chain Mail Narrow term - -

2191 - 2220 of 12,437 records.

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