Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
CAST A moulded object. Preferred term 96990 -
CAST IRON A metallic alloy of iron, carbon and silicon formed by casting in a mould. Preferred term 78935 -
CAST IRON PIPES Pipes manufactured from cast iron and used for a variety of purposes. Preferred term 90173 -
CASTANET A specific type of hand held hollowed wooden clapper, known in Europe from medieval times onwards. Preferred term 95512 -
Casting Counter Narrow term - -
Casting Debris Narrow term - -
CASTING FLOOR A floor area, covered in sand, onto which hot metal from a furnace is cast. Preferred term 91379 -
CASTING HOUSE Building or structure covering a casting floor or pit. Preferred term 69216 -
Casting Shop Narrow term 91380 -
CASTING WASTE Waste products ensuing from the casting process. Preferred term 97542 -
CASTLE A fortress and dwelling, usually medieval in origin, and often consisting of a keep, curtain wall and towers etc. Preferred term 68833 -
Castle Gate Use both terms. Narrow term 71706 -
Castle Gatehouse Use both terms. Narrow term 91381 -
Castle Keep Narrow term 70658 -
Castle Motte Narrow term 91382 -
Castle Mound Narrow term 70659 -
Castle Wall Narrow term 71611 -
Casual Ward Use VAGRANTS WARD as it is meant to shelter wandering vagrants overnight rather than the permanent inhabitants of a workhouse. Narrow term 141387 -
CASUAL WARD BLOCK A wing in a workhouse to accommodate vagrants overnight. Preferred term 91383 -
CASUALTY DEPARTMENT A hospital department, open 24 hours a day, for the immediate reception and treatment of emergency cases. Preferred term 91384 -
Cat Memorial Narrow term 91385 -
Catacomb For funerary monuments use CATACOMB (FUNERARY), for wine use WINE CELLAR Narrow term 142091 -
CATACOMB (FUNERARY) A funerary site, either totally or partially underground, for the depositing of the dead. Often found in cemeteries in the form of a circular or semi-circular sunken area comprising of several galleries with vault entrances built into the side. Preferred term 91386 -
Catacomb (Wine Storage) Narrow term 91387 -
Catadrome Narrow term 91388 -
CATAPULT A device used to throw projectiles, can vary from a small forked stick for hurling stones to a large engine of war to hurl large projectiles. Preferred term 95175 -
CATCH A device to catch and hold one object to another, eg a door to a doorpost. Preferred term 96245 -
CATERING COLLEGE A training college for chefs and other catering students. Preferred term 91389 -
Cathead Narrow term 164124 -
CATHEDRAL The principal church of a diocese in which the cathedra or bishop's throne is to be found. Preferred term 69975 -

2071 - 2100 of 12,437 records.

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