Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
CHAMBERED ROUND BARROW A Neolithic burial monument comprising a stone-built chamber within a circular or sub-circular earthen mound. See RELIGIOUS, RITUAL AND FUNERARY Class List for context. Preferred term 70004 -
CHAMBERED ROUND CAIRN A Neolithic burial monument comprising an approximately circular stony mound which contains a stone-built chamber, with or without additional lateral chambers. Preferred term 70047 -
CHAMBERED TOMB A Neolithic burial monument comprising a stone-built chamber within a mound of earth or stone. Use more specific type where known. Preferred term 70064 -
CHAMFER A surface formed by cutting off a square edge, usually at 45 degrees. Use more specific type where known. Preferred term 169977 -
Chamfrain Narrow term - -
CHAMFRON The front piece of horse armour. Preferred term 100054 -
CHAMOIS LEATHER WORKS A factory or complex where chamois leather is produced using fish oils as the tanning agent. Preferred term 91426 -
CHAMPAGNE A sparkling, white wine traditionally from the Champagne region of France. Now used, loosely, to refer to any sparkling white wine. Preferred term 85636 -
CHAMPIONS FURNACE A zinc smelting furnace patented by William Champion of Bristol in 1738 for the reduction of zinc from zinc oxide by means of condensing. Preferred term 143959 -
CHANCEL The choir and sanctuary in the liturgical eastern part of a church appropriated for those who officiate during services. Preferred term 137538 -
CHANCEL ARCH An arch at the liturgical east of the nave, carrying a gabled wall above, separating nave from chancel. Preferred term 137539 -
Chancel Screen Narrow term 138958 -
CHANDELIER A hanging frame with branches which act as candle holders or to which lights are attached. Preferred term 96199 -
CHANDELIER A branched, hanging light fitting, often ornate in design, provifding illumination from a number of candles or lightbulbs. Preferred term 139132 -
Chandlers Shop Narrow term 91427 -
CHANDLERY Traditionally the premises of a chandler, a maker and seller of candles. Now, a shop for the retail of groceries and other provisions. Preferred term 68782 -
Changing House Narrow term 91428 -
CHANGING ROOM A room within a building, such as a shop or leisure complex,sometimes equipped with cubicles or screens to allow a degree of privacy, where clothing can be tried on or changed. Preferred term 140301 -
CHANGING ROOMS A building within a complex, such as a leisure centre, school, industrial site etc, often containing toilet and washing facilities, where individuals can change their clothes. For a changing room within a larger building, see Components. Preferred term 87929 -
Chantry Narrow term 138946 -
Chantry Narrow term 70684 -
CHANTRY CHAPEL A chapel, often attached to or screened off inside a church, endowed for the celebration of masses principally for the repose of the founder?s soul. Preferred term 137541 -
CHANTRY CHAPEL A chapel attached to, or inside, a church, endowed for the celebration of Masses for the soul of the founder. Preferred term 69970 -
Chantry Chapel Bridge Narrow term 122502 -
CHANTRY COLLEGE A building used for the education of, and as a residence for, chantry priests. Preferred term 71659 -
Chantry House Narrow term 91429 -
CHAPE Invalid term - -
CHAPEL A building, room or area, often within or attached to a church or other building, serving as a place of worship. Where a monument, use the Thesaurus of Monument Types. Preferred term 137542 -
CHAPEL A freestanding building, or a room or recess serving as a place of Christian worship in a church or other building. Use more specific type where known. Preferred term 69967 -
CHAPEL OF EASE A church built within the bounds of a parish for the attendance of those who cannot reach the parish church conveniently. Preferred term 71454 -

2251 - 2280 of 12,437 records.

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