Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
CHAPLAINCY The residence and office of a chaplain. Preferred term 91430 -
CHAPTER HOUSE A building, sometimes polygonal in plan, attached to a cathedral, church, abbey etc. and used for the assembly of chapter or brethren, often to address official business. Preferred term 138851 -
CHAPTER HOUSE The building attached to a cathedral or collegiate church where the dean, prebendaries or monks and canons met for the transaction of business. Preferred term 69974 -
Chapter Office Narrow term 91431 -
CHARCOAL Porous black residue of partly burnt wood, bones etc. used as fuel or, in the form of charcoal pencils, as a tool for drawing. Preferred term 78943 -
Charcoal Blast Furnace Narrow term 70584 -
CHARCOAL BURIAL Inhumation rite in which charcoal is included with the buried corpse, possibly in an attempt to preserve the body. Thought to be associated with high status burials of the early medieval and medieval period. Preferred term 70027 -
CHARCOAL BURNERS HUT A crude shelter for persons engaged in the production of pure carbon by the controlled burning of wood and other organic materials. Preferred term 68963 -
CHARCOAL BURNERS SITE A site, often in a woodland clearing, used for the production of pure carbon by the controlled burning of wood and other organic materials. Preferred term 69142 -
CHARCOAL BURNING PLATFORM An area of flattened or compacted ground used for charcoal burning. Preferred term 70687 -
CHARCOAL PRODUCTION SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production of charcoal. Preferred term 91432 -
CHARCOAL RETORT Metal cylinder for producing charcoal using the retort method Preferred term 151267 -
CHARCOAL STORE A building, structure or site used for the storage of charcoal. Preferred term 83161 -
CHARCOAL WORKS A works using sealed retorts to produce charcoal. Wood distillates may be produced as byproducts of this process. They may be found at separate works or comprise part of a gunpowder works. Preferred term 99581 -
CHARGE HOUSE Workshop, as part of a gunpowder works complex, in which explosive is loaded into shells. Also used for expense magazine, where powder was stored between work processes. Preferred term 132373 -
CHARGER A large, flat dish. Preferred term 96759 -
CHARGING RAMP An inclined ramp of earth, stone or brick used to deliver fuel to the firing hole of a kiln. Mediaeval and later. Preferred term 144507 -
CHARIOT A vehicle used in warfare, racing or to carry passengers. Preferred term 95446 -
Chariot Burial Narrow term 70652 -
CHARIOT FITTING A mounting or fitting attached to a chariot. Preferred term 97494 -
Charity House Narrow term 71760 -
CHARITY SCHOOL A school established by a charity. Preferred term 71473 -
CHARM An object which contains or is inscribed with spells against disease, witchcraft etc, or providing luck to the wearer. Preferred term 95876 -
CHARM BRACELET A bracelet holding charms or being itself a charm. Preferred term 95874 -
CHARM NECKLACE A necklace holding charms or being itself a charm. Preferred term 95873 -
CHARNEL HOUSE A building where the bones of the dead were stored. Preferred term 70070 -
CHARNEL PIT A pit used for the re-burial of disarticulated human remains from many individuals, occasionally displaying sorting of remains, eg. grouping of skulls or long bones. Distinct from mass burials which contain articulated skeletal remains. Preferred term 70690 -
Chartered Institute Office Narrow term 91433 -
Charterhouse Narrow term 70656 -
Charterhouse Grange Narrow term 70654 -

2281 - 2310 of 12,437 records.

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