These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
CHARTIST COLONY HOUSE | A dwelling house forming part of a Chartist Land Colony. | Preferred term | 71751 | - |
CHARTIST COLONY SCHOOL | A school used by the children of settlers at a Chartist Colony. | Preferred term | 91434 | - |
Chartist Cottage | Narrow term | 91435 | - | |
CHARTIST LAND COLONY | A model village established by the chartists. | Preferred term | 71752 | - |
Chase | Narrow term | 70691 | - | |
CHASSE MAREE | French coasting vessel | Preferred term | - | - |
Chasse Marie | Narrow term | - | - | |
CHATELAINE | A short chain or chains attached to a woman's belt for carrying keys etc. | Preferred term | 96678 | - |
CHATTRI | An umbrella-shaped pavilion, Indian in origin, constructed over a funerary site. Can also refer to a funerary monument or cenotaph constructed in this style. | Preferred term | 141275 | - |
CHAUFFEURS FLAT | The residence of a chauffeur or driver | Preferred term | 91436 | - |
Checker | Narrow term | 91437 | - | |
CHECKPOINT | A roadblock, usually manned by the Home Guard, where the credentials of civilians and military personnel where checked before allowing them to proceed. | Preferred term | 167079 | - |
Cheekpiece | Narrow term | - | - | |
CHEESE | Dairy produce formed from the curds of milk, coagulated by rennet and pressed into a solid mass. | Preferred term | 78944 | - |
CHEESE FACTORY | A factory where cheese is produced and processed. | Preferred term | 91438 | - |
CHEESE LOFT | An area within a building used for the storage of cheese. | Preferred term | 91439 | - |
CHEESE MARKET | A market for the sale of cheeses. | Preferred term | 91440 | - |
CHEESE PRESS | A device with two flat plates and a mechanism used to force the plates together, to help solidify milk products in cheese making. | Preferred term | 96760 | - |
CHEESE PRESS | A device used in the production of hard cheeses that exerts pressure upon fresh curds in order to remove and drain away excess whey. | Preferred term | 140401 | - |
Chemical Factory | Narrow term | 91441 | - | |
CHEMICAL INDUSTRY SITE | Sites for the manufacture of substances or items by controlled chemical reactions. | Preferred term | 91443 | - |
CHEMICAL PRODUCT SITE | Sites where controlled chemical reactions are employed to help manufacture domestic products. | Preferred term | 91444 | - |
CHEMICAL PRODUCTION SITE | Sites used for the manufacture of chemicals used as the basis for complex chemical processes or products. | Preferred term | 91445 | - |
CHEMICAL STORE | A space used for the storage of chemicals. | Preferred term | 146406 | - |
CHEMICAL WEAPONS RESEARCH STATION | Establishments responsible for the research into and the design, development and manufacture of chemical weapons | Preferred term | 170007 | - |
CHEMICAL WEAPONS STORE | A protected building or site used for the safe storage of chemical weapons | Preferred term | 162653 | - |
CHEMICAL WORKS | An industrial complex involved in the production of chemicals. | Preferred term | 69144 | - |
CHEMICALS | Substances, including acids, alkalis etc. obtained by or used in a chemical process. | Preferred term | 78945 | - |
CHEMISE | An outer wall of a castle or similar fortification. | Preferred term | 91446 | - |
CHEMISTS SHOP | A shop which dispenses medicinal drugs and other health-related items. Can include an area for the preparation and manufacture of medicines and other drugs. | Preferred term | 91447 | - |
2311 - 2340 of 12,437 records.