Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
CHENILLE FACTORY Factory for making Chenille a yarn produced by placing short lengths of yarn (the pile) between two core yarns (the core) these are then heated to set the pile in place. Preferred term 164361 -
Chepyn Narrow term 91448 -
Chequer Narrow term 94126 -
Cherokee Class Sloop Narrow term - -
CHESS BOARD A chequered board used to play chess. Preferred term 95620 -
CHESS PIECE A gaming piece used specifically to play chess. Preferred term 95621 -
Chessman Narrow term - -
CHEST A box used for storage or shipping. Preferred term 96443 -
CHEST HOSPITAL A specialist hospital treating patients with chest disorders and diseases, can be pre sanatoria. Preferred term 91449 -
CHEST TOMB A tomb designed in the form of a cist or stone box placed over a burial. Its outward form often reproduces the features of the classical sarcophagus or medieval effigy base. Preferred term 70093 -
Chestnuts Narrow term 88548 -
CHEVAUX DE FRISE A system of stones or wooden obstacles placed close together to impede the advance of enemy forces. Do not use for HILLFORT sites. Preferred term 68848 -
CHEVET The area that contains the ambulatory, apse and chapels. Usually found in larger churches, monasteries and cathedrals. Preferred term 137543 -
CHEVRON MOULDING A three-dimensional decorative ornamentation composed of a series of Vs forming a zigzag. Preferred term 137544 -
Chhatri Narrow term 142045 -
Chicken House Narrow term 70693 -
CHICORY KILN A structure used for the roasting or drying of chicory. Preferred term 91450 -
Chief Constables Office Narrow term 91451 -
CHIEF INSTRUCTORS BLOCK (5740/36) A central tower with a single-storey wing either side. The tower contained the watch office on the ground floor, observation room on the second with each wing containing an office for the Chief Flying Instructor or the officer commanding and their aides. Preferred term 140499 -
CHILDRENS BLOCK Series of rooms in a workhouse complex where children were housed and looked after. Preferred term 140453 -
CHILDRENS CARE HOME A residential home for children with physical or learning disabilities, sensory impairment and/or mental health issues but who do not necessarily need medical attention. Preferred term 147272 -
CHILDRENS HOME A residential establishment for the care and accommodation of children and young people. Preferred term 90116 -
CHILDRENS HOSPITAL A specialist hospital for the medical and surgical treatment of children. Preferred term 71652 -
CHILDRENS NURSING HOME A residential home for children with physical and/or learning disabilities, sensory impairment and/or mental health issues who need medical intervention and/or care provided by registered nurses. Preferred term 147273 -
CHILDRENS PLAYGROUND An area of ground used for children to play on, often attached to a school. Preferred term 91452 -
CHILDRENS PLAYHOUSE Building used for children to play in. Preferred term 91453 -
CHILDRENS WARD An area within a hospital where children are accommodated during the period of their medical or surgical treatment. Preferred term 103235 -
CHILDRENS ZOO A garden or park, with ancilliary buildings, in which young and domesticated animals are kept for public exhibition, especially for children. Children are given the opportunity to come into close contact and handle animals. Preferred term 147431 -
CHIMNEY A vertical structure used to draw off smoke from a fire. Preferred term 96023 -
CHIMNEY The flue or channel that funnels smoke from a fire. Preferred term 137545 -

2341 - 2370 of 12,437 records.

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