Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
Courting Narrow term 91653 -
COURTROOM The place, hall or chamber in which justice is administered. Preferred term 137624 -
COURTYARD An enclosed area, often surrounded by walls or buildings. Preferred term 137625 -
COURTYARD An uncovered area, surrounded or partially surrounded by buildings. Preferred term 70430 -
COURTYARD HOUSE A building or buildings ranged around a courtyard on at least three sides. They occur in the Iron Age, as well as being an influential plan type of house from the 15th century onwards. Index with appropriate period. Preferred term 68943 -
COURTYARD INN An inn, with an integral courtyard, for the lodging and entertainment of travellers. Often with open galleried wings overlooking the courtyard. Preferred term 111213 -
COURTYARD PLAN A farmstead where the working buildings are arranged around a yard. Preferred term 162613 -
COURTYARD PLAN A plan of a house where the buildings are around at least three sides of a quadrilateral courtyard. Preferred term 137626 -
Courtyard Villa Narrow term 70758 -
COVE Prehistoric structure consisting of three or more standing stones in close proximity to each other, forming an unroofed approximately rectangular structure open in one direction. Preferred term 78149 -
COVE A large concave moulding. Preferred term 137627 -
COVER PLATE A cover consisting of a plate for covering over or closing in a chamber or receptacle. Preferred term 142050 -
Cover Slip Narrow term 138839 -
Covered Market Narrow term 91654 -
COVERED WAY A path that is roofed over. Preferred term 71656 -
COVERED WAY A passageway or corridor beteen two areas which is covered. Preferred term 137628 -
COVERED WELL A well with a superstructure, either partially or wholly enclosed with an access door, designed to protect the water source. Preferred term 143489 -
COVERED YARD A covered area of ground attached to a building. Preferred term 91655 -
Covey Narrow term 137629 -
Covie Narrow term 137630 -
COW BELL A bell worn by a cow to identify its location. Preferred term 95660 -
COW HOUSE A building in which cattle are housed overnight, normally tethered in stalls. Preferred term 91656 -
Cow Shed Narrow term 71438 -
Cowhouse Narrow term 71407 -
Cowshed Narrow term 70628 -
Coyn Narrow term 138962 -
CRADLE A child's bed, usually with rockers. Preferred term 96537 -
Cradle Roof Narrow term 137631 -
CRAFT All vessels, use more specific type where known. Preferred term - -
CRAFT CENTRE A centre for the teaching of crafts. Preferred term 77163 -

3211 - 3240 of 12,437 records.

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