Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
Crematorium Chapel Use both terms. Narrow term 91666 -
Crenel Narrow term 137633 -
CRENELLATION The openings between the upright blocks, or merlons, of a battlement. Preferred term 137634 -
Crenelle Narrow term 137635 -
CREOSOTE A liquid derived from wood tar through a distillation process. Now used to describe timber preservative derived from coal tar. Preferred term 84700 -
CREOSOTE WORKS A factory or complex of buildings where creosote oil is produced. Creosote oil is distilled from coal tar and used as a wood preservative. Preferred term 111253 -
CREPE MILL A textile mill where crepe is manufactured.Crepe is a fine cloth particularly silk or mixture of silk and cotton. Preferred term 91667 -
CRESCENT A row of houses whose facade in plan follows the concave arc of a circle or ellipse, eg. The Royal Crescent, Bath. Preferred term 71787 -
CRESSET A metal basket, mounted on a pole, in which oil or pitch was burned for illumination. Preferred term 96850 -
CRESSET LAMP An open lamp which was filled with oil then a wick floated on the oil. Preferred term 96200 -
Crest Narrow term - -
Crest Narrow term 70722 -
CRESTED BLADE A flint blade with negative impressions of removals on one side of the dorsal surface, creating a crest. These constitute part of a previously worked striking platfom or result from preparing the flaked surface on a core before detaching flakes or blades. Preferred term 97553 -
CREW BRIEFING ROOM A type of military building associated with military airfields, where air crews were briefed for missions. The room could be a seperate building or part of an operations block and are built of varying types of temporary brick or nissen hut constructions. Preferred term 140116 -
CREW YARD Open yard for keeping cattle in during winter. Used from the mid-14th century in drier, Eastern, arable counties. Preferred term 83546 -
CRICKET CENTRE A purpose built indoor cricket facility for training and playing matches Preferred term 143172 -
CRICKET GROUND The entire playing area and associated buildings upon which the game of cricket is played. Preferred term 71807 -
CRICKET PAVILION A building adjoining a cricket pitch with facilities for players and spectators. Preferred term 87916 -
CRICKET PITCH An area of grass, marked out for use in the game of cricket. Preferred term 103492 -
Cricket Stand Narrow term 91668 -
Criminal Courts Narrow term 91669 -
Crinkle Crankle Wall Narrow term 70427 -
Crippled Childrens Home A historic term for a charitable institution caring for children with physical and/or mental disabilities. Narrow term 91670 -
CROCKERY Tableware manufactured from any kind of ceramic and either carried as an export cargo or for the benefit of crew and/or passengers on board ship. Preferred term 141855 -
CROCKET CAPITAL A capital which is decorated with stylized leaves similar to small volutes. Preferred term 137636 -
CROFT An enclosed piece of land adjoining a house. Preferred term 68617 -
Croft Pillbox Narrow term 160334 -
Cromlech Narrow term 70681 -
CROOK A staff with a bent head used by a shepherd. For a crook used by a bishop use crozier. Preferred term 97353 -
Crop Mark Use a more specific site type where known, eg. ENCLOSURE. Narrow term 70760 -

3271 - 3300 of 12,437 records.

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