Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
Croquet House Narrow term 91671 -
CROQUET LAWN A closely mown lawn used for the game of croquet. Preferred term 84016 -
CROQUET SHED A small garden building used to store equipment used in the game of croquet. Preferred term 91672 -
CROSS A free-standing structure, in the form of a cross (+), symbolizing the structure on which Jesus Christ was crucified and sacred to the Christian faith. Use specific type where known. Preferred term 69987 -
CROSS An object consisting of a vertical member with a transverse member. Usually there is a religious or ritual significance to such an object. Preferred term 95912 -
Cross Base Narrow term 70761 -
CROSS DYKE A linear earthwork, usually a bank accompanied by a ditch, which runs across rather than along an area or ridge of higher ground. Preferred term 68853 -
CROSS ENTRY The entry to a hall through opposed doorways, but without a passage formed by a wall or partition. Preferred term 137637 -
CROSS GABLE A gable supporting a roof, placed at right-angles to the main part of the roof. Preferred term 137638 -
Cross Head Narrow term - -
CROSS INCISED STONE A stone with a cross carved into the surface. Preferred term 69994 -
CROSS JOISTING A method of floor construction in which sections of joists run at right-angles to one another. Preferred term 137639 -
CROSS PASSAGE Entry to a hall through opposing doors with a partition screening the hall and forming a passageway. Preferred term 137640 -
CROSS PASSAGE HOUSE A house in which a passage runs across the building, usually adjacent to a hall, between front and back entrance doors. Preferred term 91673 -
CROSS PENDANT A pendant in the shape of a cross. Preferred term 95918 -
Cross Ridge Dyke Narrow term 70770 -
Cross Shaft Narrow term 71420 -
Cross Shaft Narrow term - -
Cross Shaft Base Narrow term - -
CROSS SLAB A slab of stone, either standing or recumbent, inscribed with a cross. Usually found in association with burials. Preferred term 70082 -
Cross Socket Narrow term 70762 -
CROSS STAFF A navigational device. Preferred term 100119 -
Cross Stone Narrow term 70771 -
CROSS TRANSEPT The transverse portion of a cruciform church, or the arms on either side of the crossing, often with chapels at the east sides and possibly with aisles as well. Preferred term 137641 -
CROSS TREE Two intersecting beams set on the ground to support a post, usually for a post mill. Preferred term 137642 -
CROSS VAULT A vault created by the intersection of two other vaults set at right angles to each other and of equal size. Preferred term 137643 -
CROSS WINDOW A window with a single mullion and a single transom. Preferred term 137644 -
CROSS WING A wing joined to the main body of the building with the roof at right angles to the main roof. Preferred term 137645 -
CROSS WING HOUSE A house with a range at the end of it, at right angles to the main range. Preferred term 91674 -
CROSSBOW A bow, fixed to a stock, with a mechanism to fire the bow. Preferred term 95137 -

3301 - 3330 of 12,437 records.

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