Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
EXTERNAL STAIRCASE A flight of stairs, situated on a building's exterior, extending to an upper storey. Preferred term 137752 -
EXTRA MURAL SUBURB A suburb of a town, especially Roman or Medieval, situtated or extending beyond its formal limits, usually demarked by defences. Preferred term 143229 -
EXTRACTION ENGINE A compound steam engine with provision for bleeding off some steam after it has passed through the high pressure cylinder and before it enters the low pressure cylinder. Preferred term 137753 -
EXTRACTIVE PIT Surface workings including shallow shafts, lode workings, open-pit methods and quarrying including some mines of stone, clays, compounds, etc. See also MINERAL EXTRACTION SITE. Preferred term 69101 -
EXTRADOS The outer curve of an arch or vault. Preferred term 137754 -
EYE AND EAR HOSPITAL A specialist hospital for the medical and surgical treatment of eye and ear disorders and diseases. Preferred term 91890 -
EYE BATH A small shaped container designed to bathe the eye. Preferred term 95275 -
EYE DEPARTMENT A hospital department for the medical treatment of eye disorders and diseases. Preferred term 91891 -
EYE HOSPITAL A specialist hospital for the medical and surgical treatment of eye disorders and diseases. Preferred term 91892 -
EYE SHADE A piece of strengthened material worn projecting over the forehead and eyes to provide shade for the eyes. Preferred term 96585 -
Eyecatcher Narrow term 91893 -
EYELET A small hole for a lace, cord or hook to be passed through. Preferred term 96688 -
EYOT A small island, especially within a river. Preferred term 142019 -
Fabric Mill Narrow term 91894 -
FABRICATION SHED Covered area for making large engineered constructions such as sections of ships or bridges. Preferred term 87712 -
FABRICATOR Used to detach flakes from cores or tools. Preferred term 96929 -
FACADE The external face or elevation of a building, especially the principal front. Preferred term 137755 -
FACADE Use wider site type where known. Only use term where no other part of original building survives. Preferred term 91895 -
FACE HALVED JOINT A joint in which the side, or face, of a timber has been squarely cut away to fit into a corresponding cut-away in the side of another member. Preferred term 137756 -
FACTORY A building or complex, housing powered machinery and employing a large workforce for manufacturing purposes. Use specific monument type where known. Preferred term 69118 -
Factory Canteen Narrow term 91898 -
Factory Foremans House Narrow term 91899 -
Factory Gate Use both terms. Narrow term 87810 -
Factory Gate Lodge Use both terms. Narrow term 91900 -
Factory Managers House Narrow term 91901 -
Factory Masters House Narrow term 91902 -
Factory Model Village Narrow term 91903 -
FACTORY SHIP A vessel with equipment for processing dead marine life whilst still at sea. Preferred term - -
FACTORY UNIT A modern small factory or workshop, often in the form of a prefabricated shed. Preferred term 91904 -
FACULTY BUILDING A departmental building within a college or university where a particular subject is taught and administered. Preferred term 71791 -

4231 - 4260 of 12,437 records.

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