Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
FAIR A site where a periodical gathering of buyers, sellers and entertainers, meet at a time ordained by charter or statute or by ancient custom. Preferred term 68789 -
FAIR BOOTH A covered stall at a market or fair, etc. Preferred term 94184 -
FAIRBAIRN JIB CRANE A specialised form of crane, usually employed on a dockside, featuring a curving, solid jib. Preferred term 137757 -
FAIRBAIRN JIB CRANE A dockside crane with a solid curving jib made out of rivetted iron plates. Preferred term 91905 -
FAIRBAIRNS LEVER A mechanical testing machine used to carry out pioneering tests on various materials, particularly cast-iron beams, to determine practical data on their strength and other properties. Preferred term 137758 -
Fairground Narrow term 91906 -
FAIRGROUND RIDE Forms of ride which are designed for entertainment. Preferred term 100198 -
FAIRLEAD A pulley block and metal ring used to guide a line or rope and cause it to run easily without chafing. Preferred term 91907 -
Falcon Mews Narrow term 91908 -
FALCONRY An establishment or building where the breeding and training of birds of prey takes place. Preferred term 68592 -
FALSE ARCH An arch built by corbelling or cantilevering in from both sides with horizontal joints. Preferred term 137759 -
FALSE GABLE A gable without a roof behind it. Preferred term 137760 -
FALSE HAMMER BEAM A transverse timber resembling a hammer beam but without a hammer post above, being braced to a principal or collar instead. Preferred term 137761 -
FALSE HAMMER BEAM TRUSS A truss with a transverse timber like a hammer-beam, but braced to a principal or collar without a hammer-post. Preferred term 137762 -
FAMILY PROCEEDINGS COURT A distinctive magistrates court established by legislation in 1980, dealing with civil family proceedings. Preferred term 135322 -
FAMILY VAULT A burial vault built to contain the remains of members of a single family, household or dynasty. Preferred term 70043 -
FAN A hand held instrument for producing a current of air for cooling the user. It is both a practical and a fashion item. Preferred term 96689 -
FAN CARRIAGE A wheeled device supporting a windmill's fantail that moves around a trackway thus turning the windmill into the wind. Preferred term 140119 -
FAN HOUSE A building housing a fan used for the ventilation of mines Preferred term 143781 -
FAN VAULT A vault composed of concave cones, inverted and overlaid with ribs that rise from the springing of the vault and diverge equally in different directions, producing an effect like the ribs of an opened fan. Preferred term 138870 -
Fancy Barrow A collective term applied to Bronze Age round barrows displaying more complex external morphology than the simple bowl barrow. Use appropriate specific term. Narrow term 70013 -
Fanhouse Narrow term 71482 -
FANLIGHT A semi-circular window, often decorated and with its glazing bars radiating like the ribs of an opened fan, set above a door. Preferred term 138871 -
FANTAIL A bladed wheel attached to the rear, and at right angles to the main sails, of a windmill. Connected to winding gear, the fantail would catch the wind when it changed direction, allowing the mill to move automatically into the wind. Preferred term 137763 -
FARM A tract of land, often including a farmhouse and ancillary buildings, used for the purpose of cultivation and the rearing of livestock, etc. Use more specific type where known. Preferred term 68621 -
FARM BUILDING A building or structure of unknown function found on a farm. Use more specific type where known. Preferred term 70851 -
FARM LABOURERS COTTAGE The dwelling place of a farm worker. Preferred term 71515 -
FARM MACHINERY Machinery including tractors, ploughs, harrows etc, which are used on farms. Preferred term 78996 -
Farm Workers Cottage Narrow term 91911 -
Farmery Use INFIRMARY with ABBEY or PRIORY. Narrow term 91912 -

4261 - 4290 of 12,437 records.

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