Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
Gardeners Cottage Narrow term 92090 -
Gardeners House Narrow term 92091 -
GARDENS PARKS AND URBAN SPACES Planned &/or landscaped areas designed for aesthetic or recreational purposes. Includes all sites, buildings, structures & features normally associated with parks & urban spaces including street furniture. Preferred term 99961 -
GARDEROBE A small latrine or toilet, usually built into the thickness of the wall of a castle or great house, with the waste dropping into a cess pit or straight to the outside. Preferred term 70906 -
GARDEROBE (TOILET) A latrine built into, or projecting beyond, the wall of a medieval castle featuring a stone or wooden seat situated above a pit or the castle moat. Preferred term 137813 -
Garderobe (Wardrobe) Narrow term 138947 -
GARDEROBE SEAT The cover for a garderobe on which a person would sit. Preferred term 96546 -
GARGOYLE A spout allowing water to spill away from a building. Usually carved in images of animals, people or grotesques. Preferred term 96079 -
GARGOYLE A projecting spout to throw water from a gutter away from the wall, frequently decorated with grotesque figures to spew out evil away from the House of God. Preferred term 137815 -
GARLIC The plant, Allium sativum, whose bulb is used for culinary purposes. Preferred term 143384 -
Garment Hook Narrow term - -
GARRET An apartment contained, wholly or partially, within the roof space of a house. Preferred term 137816 -
Garrison Chapel Narrow term 92094 -
Garrison Church Narrow term 92095 -
GARTER A band worn around the leg to hold up a sock or stocking. Preferred term 96623 -
GARTER HOOK A hook attached to a garter used to hold up a sock or stocking. Preferred term - -
Garth Enclosed ground. Use either FISH GARTH or ENCLOSURE as appropriate. Narrow term 70907 -
GAS An airlike, fluid hydrocarbon suitable for burning to produce light, heat or power. Preferred term 84069 -
Gas Booster House Narrow term 86508 -
GAS CHAMBER A C20th military building used to test the efficiency of gas protection equipment provided for drivers of all forms of vehicles. Preferred term 152318 -
Gas Cleansing Station Narrow term 94374 -
GAS COMPRESSOR STATION A facility where natural gas is made smaller in volume, to facilitate its distribution through the National Transmission System. Term can also be used for a station, which recompresses the gas to the required pressure. Preferred term 139359 -
Gas Decontamination Centre Narrow term 94373 -
GAS ENGINE An internal combustion heat engine which uses gas as its fuel, and acts as a prime mover or power source for driving other machinery. Preferred term 137817 -
GAS ENGINE A machine producing mechanical power by the internal combustion of gas. Preferred term 92096 -
GAS ENGINE HOUSE A building housing a gas engine, used as a power source for driving other machinery. Preferred term 92097 -
Gas Exhauster House Narrow term 86505 -
GAS FIRED POWER STATION A power station used to produce electricity, fired by coal gas. Preferred term 92098 -
Gas Generator House Narrow term 92099 -
GAS HOLDER Expanding storage tank for gas, often includes a meter for measuring the amount used. Preferred term 69365 -

4981 - 5010 of 12,437 records.

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