These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
Congregational Hall | Narrow term | 91604 | - | |
Congregational School | Narrow term | 91605 | - | |
Conical Kiln | Narrow term | 91606 | - | |
Conical Mound | Narrow term | 70734 | - | |
Conservative Club | Narrow term | 87729 | - | |
CONSERVATORY | A glasshouse used to grow and display tender decorative plants. May be either an extension to a house or freestanding. | Preferred term | 69012 | - |
CONSERVATORY | An extension to a building usually made primarily of glass, for growing plants. | Preferred term | 137602 | - |
CONSISTORY COURT | A bishop's court for ecclesiastical causes and offences, formerly having wider jurisdiction in matters of moral discipline. | Preferred term | 71686 | - |
CONSOL SHELTER | A small, steel shelter designed for use as a firewatchers post during an air raid. | Preferred term | 160415 | - |
CONSOLE | An S-shaped ornamental bracket with a greater height than projection. | Preferred term | 137603 | - |
CONSTABLES OFFICE | The premises of a police officer for a parish or township who was appointed to act as a conservator of the peace within the district. | Preferred term | 91608 | - |
Constitutional Club | Narrow term | 91609 | - | |
CONSTRUCTION CAMP | Temporary settlement relating to the construction of railways, viaducts, dams, etc. | Preferred term | 68978 | - |
CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS | Debris consisting of excess construction material used in the building of a nearby site or structure. If unsure of whether debris is from construction or demolition, index with both terms. | Preferred term | 142969 | - |
CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS | Materials used for the construction of buildings, vehicles or other objects. | Preferred term | 78964 | - |
CONSTRUCTION TRENCH | A trench dug in order to receive the foundations of a structure such as a stone wall etc. | Preferred term | 140113 | - |
CONSTRUCTION WORKS | A site associated with the large scale construction of buildings or items manufactured by the building industry. | Preferred term | 141995 | - |
CONSULATE | The residence or official premises of a consul, the official appointed by a state to protect its citizens and commercial interests in a foreign state. | Preferred term | 139548 | - |
CONTAINER | An objects which serves as a vessel. This class includes containers for which the function is either specific or unknown. Where the function is known, the term is also included within another class, eg churn. | Preferred term | 96817 | - |
Containers identified by the form they take rather than by function. | Preferred term | 97243 | - |
Containers identified by function rather than by form. | Preferred term | 97220 | - |
CONTAINER BERTH | An area of a port, dock or harbour where a container vessel docks to take on or unload its containers. | Preferred term | 91610 | - |
CONTAINER TERMINAL | An area of a port, dock or harbour where cargo vessels can load and unload large storage containers. May include a rail terminal for containers which have been transported to the port by rail. | Preferred term | 87455 | - |
CONTAINERS | Receptacles, including boxes, barrels etc., designed to contain something. | Preferred term | 78965 | - |
Continuous Girder Bridge | Narrow term | 122517 | - | |
CONTINUOUS JETTY HOUSE | A jettied house where the overhanging upper storey runs along the entire length of one side. | Preferred term | 91611 | - |
Contour Fort | Narrow term | 70736 | - | |
Contour Reave | Narrow term | 70735 | - | |
CONTRA FLOW STEAM ENGINE | The common design of steam engine, where steam enters the cylinder at one end, and after it has pushed the piston to the other end, its direction of flow is reversed as the piston returns, the steam leaving the cylinder through the exhaust ports. | Preferred term | 137604 | - |
CONTRACTED INHUMATION | A form of inhumation in which the skeleton is interred, usually on its side, with the knees brought up against the chest. This is a more extreme form of crouched inhumation. | Preferred term | 70032 | - |
2971 - 3000 of 12,437 records.