Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
COOLING POND A pond used for dissipating heat by evaporation from steam engine condensate. Mid 19th century to mid 20th century. Preferred term 144467 -
COOLING ROOM A processing house or room in a brewery. Preferred term 91620 -
COOLING TOWER A large structure, usually associated with power stations, in which hot water undergoes a process of cooling before being re-used . Preferred term 139826 -
COOLING TOWER Wooden or ferro-concrete tower for cooling waste, hot water from a power station. The water cascades from the top of the tower to a pond in the bottom. Preferred term 69355 -
COOPERAGE A barrel-making workshop or factory, found in conjunction with a number of industries. Preferred term 69422 -
Cooperative Institute Narrow term 90954 -
COOPERATIVE STORE A store belonging to a cooperative society. Preferred term 90319 -
Coopers Workshop Narrow term 91621 -
COPING A protective covering applied to the top of a wall, chimney, gable etc., usually curved, sloping or ridged to prevent rainwater settling. Preferred term 138854 -
COPPER A reddish metal used in alloys, coins and the construction and electronics industries. Preferred term 78967 -
COPPER INGOTS Solid bars made from pure Copper metal. Preferred term 78969 -
Copper Mill Narrow term 69293 -
COPPER MINE Where several minerals produced, use with other products and MINE, eg. ARSENIC MINE. Preferred term 69255 -
COPPER ORE A mineral containing high quantities of Copper. Preferred term 78970 -
COPPER PIPES Pipes manufactured from copper used for a variety of purposes, especially plumbing. Preferred term 109053 -
COPPER PYRITES A mineral of copper, iron and sulphur and is the main ore of copper. Preferred term 84560 -
COPPER ROOM A room containing copper or steel vessels in which hops are added to the basic beer mixture. Preferred term 76933 -
Copper Smelting Works Narrow term 91622 -
COPPER WORKING SITE A site where copper or copper based alloys are produced by smelting copper ore. Preferred term 69219 -
COPPER WORKINGS A site where copper ore is extracted directly from the surface of the ground. Preferred term 69105 -
COPPER WORKS A site or establishment for the casting and refining of metallic copper. Preferred term 69220 -
COPPERAS Sulphates, used in medicine and to colour inks. Preferred term 83180 -
COPPERAS WORKS A works used for the production of copperas, a green iron sulphate which is used as a fixative in the dyeing process. Preferred term 69147 -
COPPICE A managed small wood or thicket of underwood grown to be periodically cut to encourage new growth providing smaller timber. Preferred term 70741 -
COPPICE BARN Open sided barn for the storage of wood produced by the periodic cutting of small trees. Preferred term 91623 -
COPRA Dried kernel of coconut Preferred term 83218 -
Coprolite Working Site Site where fossils where mined for use as artificial fertilizer. Use both terms Narrow term 140221 -
COPROLITE WORKINGS An open pit from which coprolites or phosphatic nodules were extracted. Commonly found in the Fens and East Anglia coprolites were ground up and used as fertilizer. Preferred term 138486 -
COPROLITES Fossilized animal dung, often ground into powder and used as fertilizer. Preferred term 139331 -
Copse Narrow term 68616 -

3031 - 3060 of 12,437 records.

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