Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
CONCEALED BRACE A brace halved to the inside of studs, and so not visible from outside. Preferred term 137599 -
CONCENTRIC CASTLE A castle surrounded by two or more lines of walled fortifications. Preferred term 68837 -
Concentric Stone Circle Narrow term 70731 -
CONCERT HALL An establishment where musical performances take place. Preferred term 69941 -
Concert Rooms Narrow term 91596 -
CONCRETE Building material made by combining gravel, cement, water and sand. When hard it forms a stonelike surface, used for paving and building. Preferred term 78963 -
CONCRETE FRAMED BUILDING A modern building in which the load is carried by a reinforced concrete framework. Use for reinforced concrete buildings. Preferred term 91597 -
CONCRETE PIPES Pipes manufactured from concrete used in the construction industry for drainage etc. Preferred term 83015 -
CONCRETE WORKS A site where concrete and concrete products are manufactured from a mixture of cement and aggregate. Preferred term 91598 -
CONDENSER An apparatus used for the process of condensing: the conversion of vapour into a liquid. Preferred term 143434 -
Condenser Flue Narrow term 91599 -
CONDENSERY A building for the manufacture of condensed milk. Preferred term 71556 -
CONDENSING CHIMNEY A tall chimney terminating a CONDENSING FLUE, used to extract metal from the smoke produced by a lead smelter. Preferred term 91600 -
CONDENSING FLUE A stone channel sunk into the ground, employed from the mid-19th century, to carry away gases produced during smelting. Preferred term 69218 -
CONDENSING STEAM ENGINE A steam engine in which the spent steam leaving the cylinder passes to a condenser instead of being exhausted to the atmosphere. The condenser creates a partial vacuum which increases the pressure drop across the engine, so raising its efficiency. Preferred term 137600 -
CONDUIT A pipe or channel for conveying water or other liquids. Preferred term 70436 -
CONDUIT HEAD A head of water raised in a conduit system. Preferred term 70437 -
CONDUIT HOUSE A small building built over the end of a water conduit or spring. Preferred term 70438 -
Cone Narrow term 160311 -
Coney Garth Narrow term 70732 -
CONFECTIONERS SHOP A place, often including a BAKERY, where sweetmeats and pastries are sold. Preferred term 91601 -
Confectionery Factory Narrow term 91602 -
CONFECTIONERY WORKS A site where products containing sugar or honey, such as cakes, sweets, crystallized fruits or jam, were manufactured. Preferred term 69124 -
CONFERENCE CENTRE A purpose-built, or modified, building where organizations and associations meet for presentations and consultation. Preferred term 71703 -
CONFERENCE ROOM A room where organizations and associations meet for the undertaking of presentations and consultation. Preferred term 139398 -
CONFESSIO A recess or chamber near the altar which holds a relic. A feature of medieval churches. Preferred term 137601 -
CONFESSIONAL A booth, cubicle or recess, often enclosed, in which a priest, usually screened from view, hears confessions. Preferred term 138853 -
CONGREGATIONAL CHAPEL A place of worship for members of the Congregational Church. These churches, the first of which was founded in 1616 in Southwark, practised self government. Most of them were merged to form the United Reformed Church in 1972. Preferred term 71834 -
Congregational Church Narrow term 87941 -
Congregational College Narrow term 91603 -

2941 - 2970 of 12,437 records.

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