These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
CORACLE | A small boat of wickerwork covered by a watertight material. | Preferred term | 95444 | - |
CORACLE | A small craft of wickerwork covered with waterproof material. | Preferred term | - | - |
CORAL | A calcareous, hard substance, the external skeleton of marine polyps, used in the manufacture of jewellery. | Preferred term | 78972 | - |
CORBEILLE | A flower bed, usually circular and convex in form, edged with wicker basketwork, iron hoops or terracotta. | Preferred term | 159286 | - |
CORBEL | A cantilevered block projecting from the face of a wall and supporting a structure such as a parapet, beam or arch. | Preferred term | 137606 | - |
CORBEL | A support projecting from a wall. | Preferred term | 96036 | - |
CORBEL TABLE | A projecting wall or structure, such as a parapet or battlement, supported by a series of corbels. | Preferred term | 138855 | - |
Corbelled Arch Bridge | Narrow term | 122496 | - | |
Corbelled Tomb | Narrow term | 70742 | - | |
CORD RIG | Narrow ridges representing the surviving surface traces of later prehistoric cultivation. | Preferred term | 68624 | - |
CORDAGE | Thick ropes and rigging. | Preferred term | 83100 | - |
Cordage House | Narrow term | 91624 | - | |
CORDITE DOUGH STORE | A building in which cordite dough is stored before extrusion. | Preferred term | 164170 | - |
Cordite Drying Stove | Narrow term | 164179 | - | |
CORDITE FACTORY | A factory principally engaged in the manufacture of the propellant explosive cordite. | Preferred term | 99586 | - |
CORDITE INCORPORATING HOUSE | A building in which cordite paste is blended with the solvent acetone and Vaseline to form a cordite dough. | Preferred term | 164173 | - |
Cordite Press House | Narrow term | 164174 | - | |
Corduroy Road | Narrow term | 70743 | - | |
CORE | The piece of stone or flint remaining after flakes have been produced. This is a by-product of tool manufacture. | Preferred term | 97552 | - |
Core Fragment | Narrow term | - | - | |
Core Rejuvenation Flake | Narrow term | - | - | |
CORER | A device for removing the core from fruit. | Preferred term | 96766 | - |
CORINTHIAN BASE | A slender and elegant base usually of Attic type with two tori, two scotiae and two astragals. | Preferred term | 137607 | - |
CORINTHIAN CAPITAL | A capital with two rows of eight acanthus leaves rising above an astragal;from between the leaves of the upper row rise eight stalks,each surmounted by a calyx from which emerge volutes carryingthe corners of the concave sided abacus and central ornaments | Preferred term | 137608 | - |
CORINTHIAN COLUMN | A vertical structure usually with an Attic base or spira with slender and elegant design, with a capital decorated with acanthus leaves and an entablature rich in carved ornament. | Preferred term | 137609 | - |
CORINTHIAN ENTABLATURE | An entablature often of great magnificence with bead and reel between fasciae of the architrave, frieze ornamented with continuous sculpture and cornice, with ornate coffers and richly carved modillions. | Preferred term | 137610 | - |
CORINTHIAN ORDER | A classical order having a bell shaped capital that is decorated with laurel, olive or acanthus leaves from which CAULICOLI emerge. The shaft is usually fluted and the base is often an Attic base. | Preferred term | 137611 | - |
CORK | A light, buoyant material obtained from the cork oak. Cork is used in floats and as stoppers for bottles. | Preferred term | 78973 | - |
CORK | A stopper made of cork used to prevent liquid escaping from a container. | Preferred term | 96520 | - |
CORK FACTORY | A building or complex where corks and stoppers are made for use in bottling. | Preferred term | 159246 | - |
3061 - 3090 of 12,437 records.