Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
COIN MOULD A mould used to cast coins. Preferred term 97349 -
COIN WEIGHT One of a set, used as standards for specific coins, often bearing stamps and other marks of authenticity. Preferred term 95364 -
COINAGE HALL Civil building in Cornwall and Devon for assay and sale of tin ingots. Preferred term 68682 -
COIR BEATER A tool used in processing the fibres from coconuts. Preferred term 96995 -
COKE A fuel derived by dry distillation from coal. Preferred term 78962 -
Coke Furnace Narrow term 70725 -
COKE OVEN Oven for roasting coal to drive off chemical constituents and reduce it to almost pure carbon, ie. coke. Preferred term 69146 -
COKE QUENCHING TOWER Water spraying tower for cooling coke after it emerges from the furnace. Preferred term 78814 -
Coke Wharf Narrow term 86504 -
COLANDER A pan with a perforated bottom for straining or rinsing food. Preferred term 96762 -
Cold Bath Narrow term 151568 -
COLD STORE A room or small building kept at low temperatures for the storage of perishable items, particularly food. Preferred term 69123 -
COLLAR A piece of material worn around the neck. Where it is a collar for an animal use animal collar. Preferred term 96634 -
COLLAR A horizontal member connecting rafters or cruck blades at a point between their feet and the apex of the roof. Preferred term 137576 -
COLLAR FACTORY A factory where collars, for shirts and other garments, are manufactured. Preferred term 164101 -
COLLAR PLATE A horizontal timber that joins the collars of a series of roof trusses. Preferred term 137577 -
COLLAR PURLIN A longitudinal member in a roof, running beneath the collar beams and intended to give stability to the roof. Preferred term 138921 -
COLLECTING BOX For the collection of money by charities, churches, etc. Preferred term 91560 -
COLLEGE An establishment, often forming part of a university, for higher or tertiary education. Preferred term 68695 -
COLLEGE GARDEN A formal garden consisting of lawns, walks and borders belonging to a college or university, eg. Oxford or Cambridge. Preferred term 91561 -
COLLEGE HALL A large communal room within a college complex used for functions, assemblies, examinations etc. Preferred term 139121 -
College Library Use LIBRARY with other appropriate term. Narrow term 91562 -
COLLEGE LODGINGS A place of accommodation at a college for staff and students. Preferred term 91563 -
College Of Arms Narrow term 91564 -
College Of Art Narrow term 91565 -
COLLEGE OF SECULAR PRIESTS A communal residence of secular priests and/or other clerics sometimes with the condition of learning and education attached. Preferred term 69986 -
College Of Technology Narrow term 163013 -
COLLEGE OF THE VICARS CHORAL A communal residence of secular vicars whose duties included the education of choristers attached to cathedrals and collegiate churches. Preferred term 71580 -
College Wardens Lodgings Narrow term 91566 -
COLLEGIATE CHAPEL A chapel attached to or founded by a college. Preferred term 69971 -

2791 - 2820 of 12,437 records.

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