These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
COUNTER | A flat-topped, often elongated, construction at which customers are served by staff in a commercial establishment such as a bank, shop, inn etc. | Preferred term | 139772 | - |
COUNTER APSE | The apse at the west end of the nave in a double-ended church. | Preferred term | 137621 | - |
Counter Balance Fort | Narrow term | 140537 | - | |
COUNTER BOMBARDMENT BATTERY | A coastal battery used for delivering fire at long distance thus forcing a warship threatening or bombarding shore installations to withdraw out of range. | Preferred term | 94117 | - |
COUNTERMEASURES STATION | A radio station set up to broadcast signals aimed at 'bending' or altering German navigation transmissions. | Preferred term | 140784 | - |
COUNTERSCARP BANK | A low bank on the edge of a defensive ditch on the side away from the main rampart. | Preferred term | 137622 | - |
COUNTESS OF HUNTINGDONS CHAPEL | A place of worship for followers of the Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion, a Calvinistic Methodist sect founded in the 1740s by Selina Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon. | Preferred term | 71857 | - |
COUNTING HOUSE | An accounts office, especially within an industrial or commercial complex. | Preferred term | 68785 | - |
COUNTRY CLUB | A building, usually in a rural setting, with a range of facilities for the use of members. | Preferred term | 91644 | - |
COUNTRY ESTATE | An area of privately owned land attached to, and incorporating, a country house and associated buildings. | Preferred term | 142075 | - |
Country Hall | Narrow term | 70755 | - | |
COUNTRY HOUSE | The rural residence of a country gentleman. | Preferred term | 68947 | - |
Country Mansion | Narrow term | 91645 | - | |
COUNTRY PARK | An area of managed countryside designated for visitors to enjoy recreations, such as walking specified parks and trails, in a rural environment. Often provides public facilities such as parking, toilets, cafes and visitor information. | Preferred term | 144605 | - |
COUNTY BOUNDARY | The limit line of a county. | Preferred term | 164105 | - |
COUNTY COURT | A court established in England and Wales by Parliament in 1846 to decide minor civil disputes. | Preferred term | 91646 | - |
County Education Office | Narrow term | 91647 | - | |
County Gaol | Narrow term | 91648 | - | |
COUNTY HALL | A building from which the administration of a county is carried out by the County Council. It is also, historically, the site where the county quarter sessions and assizes were held. | Preferred term | 68692 | - |
County Library | Narrow term | 91649 | - | |
County Stone | Narrow term | 70602 | - | |
COUPLED ROOF | A roof in which pairs of rafters are fixed to the ridge piece and the wall plates without any collars or tiebeams. | Preferred term | 137623 | - |
COURERY | Subsidiary settlement of lay brothers attached to some Carthusian monasteries. | Preferred term | 70133 | - |
Court Hall | Narrow term | 70757 | - | |
COURT HOUSE | A building in which a judicial court is held. | Preferred term | 68725 | - |
COURT OF REQUESTS | A local civil court first established during the 17th Century by local Acts of Parliament to deal with minor cases of debt. Based on a model established during the reign of Henry VII. | Preferred term | 135316 | - |
Court Of Speech | Narrow term | 91650 | - | |
COURT ROOM | A hall or chamber in which justice is administered. | Preferred term | 91651 | - |
Courthouse | Narrow term | 91652 | - | |
COURTIERS HOUSE | A house in which a member of the Royal Court lives. | Preferred term | 152713 | - |
3181 - 3210 of 12,437 records.