These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
COE | A small hut erected over a mine shaft. | Preferred term | 70723 | - |
COFFEE | The beans, or powder resulting from grinding the beans, of shrubs of the genus Coffea. The powder is used to make the drink Coffee. | Preferred term | 78960 | - |
COFFEE BAR | A small, usually inexpensive, restaurant with a limited menu of light meals served at counters or tables. | Preferred term | 71697 | - |
COFFEE HOUSE | An establishment serving coffee and other refreshments and inexpensive foods. Between the 17th and 18th centuries they were also meeting places for political discussions. | Preferred term | 68784 | - |
Coffee Palace | Narrow term | 91555 | - | |
Coffee Public House | Narrow term | 91556 | - | |
Coffee Tavern | Narrow term | 91557 | - | |
Coffer | Narrow term | - | - | |
COFFERING | A series of recessed, ornamental panels decorating a ceiling. | Preferred term | 137573 | - |
COFFIN | A container within which a body is placed for burial, usually made of lead or wood. | Preferred term | 95905 | - |
COFFIN | A chest made of stone, wood or lead, used to enclose a dead body. | Preferred term | 70074 | - |
COFFIN FITTING | A part of a coffin that is removable eg handle, mount etc. | Preferred term | 100132 | - |
Coffin Lining | Narrow term | - | - | |
Coffin Plate | Narrow term | - | - | |
COFFIN REST | A structure, often within a CHURCHYARD or LYCH GATE, on which a coffin could rest prior to burial. | Preferred term | 91558 | - |
COFFIN STONE | A stone found on route to a churchyard on which the coffin is rested during transportation. | Preferred term | 69985 | - |
COG | North European medieval merchant vessel. | Preferred term | - | - |
Cog And Rung Gin | Narrow term | 91559 | - | |
COGGED JOIST | A joist that has its end resting in a recess in a transverse beam. | Preferred term | 137574 | - |
COGWHEEL | A wheel with a series of teeth on its outside which interlock with similar teeth on another cogwheel to receive or give motion. | Preferred term | 96993 | - |
Coien | Narrow term | 137575 | - | |
COIF (ARMOUR) | A close fitting skull cap, usually worn under a helmet. | Preferred term | 100077 | - |
COIF (CAP) | A close fitting cap covering the sides, back and top of the head. | Preferred term | 100076 | - |
Coign | Narrow term | 138960 | - | |
COIN | A piece of metal, usually cast, struck or stamped, with a definite value. | Preferred term | 95423 | 6089 |
Coin | Narrow term | 138961 | - | |
COIN | Pieces of metal money usually small in size and circular in design. Manufacture from a variety of metals including gold and silver but more recently manufactured from base metals and alloys. | Preferred term | 78961 | - |
COIN BLANK | An unstruck coin piece. | Preferred term | 136753 | - |
COIN DIE | A block of metal with a device cut into it, used to impress a coin blank. | Preferred term | 96994 | - |
COIN HOARD | A group of coins deliberately deposited together. | Preferred term | 97525 | - |
2761 - 2790 of 12,437 records.