Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
COAL TAR Thick, black liquid distilled from bituminous coal, and containing many organic chemicals. Preferred term 78954 -
Coal Tax Post Narrow term 70418 -
Coal Tip Narrow term 91539 -
COAL TIPPLER Loading machinery tipping coal into railway wagons, usually at a pithead. Preferred term 137571 -
COAL TIPPLER Loading machinery tipping coal into railway wagons usually at a pithead. Preferred term 91540 -
Coal Waggon Hoist Narrow term 91541 -
Coal Washery Narrow term 91542 -
COAL WORKINGS A site where coal is processed. Preferred term 69104 -
COALING CRANE A crane used for moving coal during the refuelling of coal-powered vessels or locomotives. Preferred term 137572 -
COALING CRANE A crane used for the refueling of coal-powered vessels. Preferred term 91543 -
Coaling Station Narrow term 162960 -
COALITE PLANT Production of smokeless domestic fuel by roasting anthracite in a type of kiln. Preferred term 78795 -
Coalminers Union Hall Narrow term 91544 -
COAST ARTILLERY BATTERY A defensive battery positioned facing out to sea enabling the guns to be brought to bear on enemy shipping and amphibious craft. Preferred term 160395 -
COAST ARTILLERY SEARCHLIGHT A searchlight battery, which points out to sea, used to locate enemy shipping Preferred term 103112 -
Coast Battery Narrow term 94102 -
COAST BATTERY GUN SITE A gun emplacement associated with a coastal battery. Preferred term 167080 -
Coast Defence Battery Narrow term 94098 -
COAST DEFENCE CHAIN HOME LOW STATION A radar station with sets operating on a wavelenght of 1.5m established to provide radar plotting of both shipping and aircraft movements. Preferred term 160400 -
COAST LIGHT A beacon used for coastal navigation. Many date from the Medieval period. Preferred term 69441 -
COASTAL BATTERY A defensive gun battery positioned to face out to sea to fire on enemy ships and amphibious craft. Preferred term 71817 -
COASTAL BATTERY COMMAND POST A command post used to direct the guns of a coastal battery. Preferred term 167081 -
Coastal Battery Observation Post Use both terms. Narrow term 94416 -
Coastal Defence Battery Narrow term 94167 -
COASTAL DEFENCE SITE Sites, buildings and structures for the defence of the coastline from sea and air invasion. Preferred term 94351 -
COASTAL FISH WEIR A structure comprising of two walls of stone or wood with nets or fish traps attached. Located in coastal waters, on shelving coastlines or in river estuaries they form large enclosures with a V or L shaped plan. The narrow point on the seaward side. Preferred term 68597 -
Coastal Fort Narrow term 91545 -
Coastal Landmark Tower Narrow term 91546 -
COASTAL OBSERVATION POST A building, situated on the coast, used for observing the movements of enemy shipping. Preferred term 167082 -
COASTAL SALTWORKS A site, building or factory where seawater is used in the production of salt. Preferred term 144469 -

2701 - 2730 of 12,437 records.

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