These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
Communion Cup | Narrow term | - | - | |
Communion Flagon | Narrow term | - | - | |
Communion Rail | Narrow term | 138943 | - | |
Communion Table | Narrow term | 138942 | - | |
Communion Tankard | Narrow term | - | - | |
COMMUNITY CENTRE | A place providing social, recreational, and educational facilities for a neighbourhood. | Preferred term | 71531 | - |
COMMUNITY GARDEN | A garden maintained by, and for the benefit of, a community. | Preferred term | 91593 | - |
Community Hall | Narrow term | 71646 | - | |
COMMUNITY KITCHEN | A kitchen set up, specifically during World War Two, to serve food to members of the public, especially families whose homes had succumbed to enemy bombing. | Preferred term | 142074 | - |
Company Hall | Narrow term | 70730 | - | |
COMPASS | An instrument showing the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it. | Preferred term | 95253 | - |
COMPASSES | An instrument for taking measurements and describing circles, with two straight arms connected at one end by a movable joint. | Preferred term | 95363 | - |
Complex Ring Cairn | Use appropriate term. | Narrow term | 94017 | - |
COMPOSITE ARCH | A lancet arch designed in the composite style. | Preferred term | 137590 | - |
COMPOSITE BASE | Bases of this order are often referred to as spira and have a double astragal in the middle. | Preferred term | 137591 | - |
COMPOSITE CAPITAL | An ornate version of an eight-voluted Ionic capital known as an angular capital or Scamozzi under which are added two tiers of acanthus leaves. | Preferred term | 137592 | - |
COMPOSITE COLUMN | A detached, sometimes monolithic vertical structural element usually circular, square or polygonal bearing an ornate eight-voluted Ionic Capital. | Preferred term | 137593 | - |
COMPOSITE COMB | A comb made up of riveting together sections between connecting plates. | Preferred term | 96155 | - |
COMPOSITE ENTABLATURE | The horizontal assembly of architrave, frieze and cornice carried upon columns and pilasters in the Composite order; and so containing elements of the Ionic and Corinthian orders. | Preferred term | 137594 | - |
COMPOSITE FRAMED BUILDING | A modern building system in which both steel and concrete are utilized together to carry the load in ways that neither material predominates over the other. There are many varieties e. g. a steel frame surrounding a concrete core. | Preferred term | 140268 | - |
COMPOSITE ORDER | An order composed of elements of the Ionic and Corinthian orders. | Preferred term | 137595 | - |
Compound Column | Narrow term | 138959 | - | |
COMPOUND PIER | A pier made up of several shafts against it. The shafts can be attached or detached. | Preferred term | 137596 | - |
COMPOUND RAFTER | A doubled rafter, separated by cleats, spacers or distance pieces. | Preferred term | 137597 | - |
COMPOUND STEAM ENGINE | A steam engine that uses the same steam successively to drive pistons in high and then low pressure cylinders. | Preferred term | 137598 | - |
COMPOUND STEAM ENGINE | A steam engine that uses the same steam successively to drive pistons in high and then low pressure cylinders. | Preferred term | 91594 | - |
COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL | A usually large school providing courses for children of all abilities, between the ages of eleven and sixteen. | Preferred term | 91595 | - |
COMPRESSOR HOUSE | A type of engine house creating power by means of compressed air, typically associated with collieries where it is used for raising coal. | Preferred term | 69354 | - |
Compter | Narrow term | 102992 | - | |
COMPUTER CENTRE | A building housing computers and information technology equippment e.g. for a business, factory or other instituion. | Preferred term | 143415 | - |
2911 - 2940 of 12,437 records.