Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
CORK PROCESSING WORKS A building or complex where cork is treated and processed to be used in various products. Preferred term 159245 -
CORKSCREW A device with a spirally twisted shaft, pointed end and handle for removing corks from bottles. Preferred term 97350 -
CORN The seed of a cereal plant used in the manufacture of foodstuffs. Preferred term 78974 -
CORN BIN A storage container designed to contain corn. Preferred term 95771 -
CORN DOLLY A figurative or decorative object made of corn, used as a charm for luck or to ward off evil spirits. Preferred term 95910 -
Corn Drier Narrow term 70744 -
CORN DRYING KILN A building found in conjunction with a WATERMILL, used for the drying of corn after harvesting, with a slatted drying floor set above a kiln. Preferred term 68579 -
CORN DRYING OVEN A heated stone, brick or iron chamber used for drying corn. Preferred term 68580 -
CORN EXCHANGE A building where samples of corn were sold or auctioned during the early to mid 19th century. When not in use, between market days, the buildings were used as public halls. Preferred term 68787 -
Corn Measure Narrow term - -
Corn Merchants Narrow term 91625 -
CORN MILL A mill for grinding corn. Use with power type where known. Preferred term 68555 -
Corn Millers House Narrow term 91626 -
Corn Oven Narrow term 70745 -
Corn Store Narrow term 91627 -
Corn Warehouse Narrow term 91628 -
CORNER BRACE A short, horizontal brace set between a tiebeam and a wall plate to strengthen the structure. Preferred term 137612 -
Corner Capital Narrow term 137613 -
Corner Tower Narrow term 68849 -
CORNICE The upper part of the classical entablature. Also a moulded projection crowning a door, wall, window etc. Preferred term 137614 -
CORNING HOUSE A processing house containing equipment for sieving caked gunpowder to produce graded granules. Preferred term 91629 -
CORNISH ENGINE A beam steam engine originating in Cornwall, first used for raising water from mines. Preferred term 137615 -
CORNISH HEDGE A stone faced earth bank, usually with a concave batter, and with the base the same width as its height and the top half the width of the base. Vegetation usually grows out of the top. Found mainly in Cornwall, but also elsewhere in the Atlantic Arc. Preferred term 139094 -
Cornu Narrow term - -
CORNUCOPIA Decorative ornamentation in the form of a horn filled with fruit etc. Preferred term 137616 -
CORONA A vertical faced projection in the cornice. Preferred term 137617 -
CORONATION STONE A stone on which a monarch traditionally sat during the coronation ceremony. Preferred term 91630 -
CORONERS COURT A building where an officer of a county, district or municipality acting as a representative of the Crown holds inquests, including deaths through violence or accident and treasure trove. Preferred term 71743 -
Coronet Narrow term - -
Corporation Chapel Narrow term 91631 -

3091 - 3120 of 12,437 records.

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