These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
Contravallation | Narrow term | 70737 | - | |
Control Building | Narrow term | 167309 | - | |
CONTROL ROOM | A room in which actions are checked, verified and approved. | Preferred term | 137605 | - |
CONTROL ROOM | A room or building housing the controls to a mechanized system, eg. in a power station, airport, etc. | Preferred term | 83029 | - |
CONTROL TOWER | A high building at an airport from which air traffic is controlled by radio. | Preferred term | 87802 | - |
CONTROL TOWER (3860/42) | A three-storey RNAS control tower, incorporating meteorological office on the ground floor and an air watch office on the second floor. | Preferred term | 140548 | - |
CONTROL TOWER (5223A/51) | Central two-storeyed tower surmounted by an octagonal glazed control room giving a 360 degree view. Flanked by single-storey wings. | Preferred term | 164143 | - |
CONTROL TOWER (566/42) | A four-storey RNAS control tower. The first floor contained offices for the commander flying and meteorological offices and the upper two floors, in the form of a central tower, provided offices for air traffic control. | Preferred term | 140549 | - |
CONVALESCENT HOME | An establishment where patients can rest and recover after an operation or illness. | Preferred term | 71812 | - |
CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL | A hospital where patients can rest and recover after an operation or illness. Medical facilities for treatment are also available. | Preferred term | 91612 | - |
Convent | Use NUNNERY, DOUBLE HOUSE, MONASTERY or RELIGIOUS HOUSE. Use with order if known. | Narrow term | 70738 | - |
Convent Chapel | Use CHAPEL and ABBEY or PRIORY. | Narrow term | 71655 | - |
Convent Of The Poor Clares | Conventual order of nuns founded in 1253, inspired by the life of St Francis of Assisi | Narrow term | 151268 | - |
CONVENT SCHOOL | A school conducted by members of a convent. | Preferred term | 71640 | - |
Conventual Chapel | Use CHAPEL and ABBEY or PRIORY. | Narrow term | 91613 | - |
Conventual Church | Use CHURCH and ABBEY or PRIORY. | Narrow term | 91614 | - |
CONVEYOR | A mechanism used to transport minerals or granulated materials. | Preferred term | 145009 | - |
CONVEYOR BELT | A machine consisting of a continuously moving band of fabric, rubber, or metal used for transporting people or objects from one place to another. | Preferred term | 159279 | - |
CONVICTS | People who have been convicted of criminal offences. Traditionally criminals, even those convicted of petty offences, were transported from Europe to penal colonies in the Americas and Australia. | Preferred term | 78966 | - |
Convocation House | Narrow term | 91615 | - | |
Cookery School | Narrow term | 91616 | - | |
COOKHOUSE | A camp kitchen, usually associated with the military. | Preferred term | 91617 | - |
Cooking Hearth | Narrow term | 70739 | - | |
COOKING PIT | A pit which shows evidence for having been used for cooking. Often contains charcoal, burnt bone fragments etc. | Preferred term | 91618 | - |
Cooking Place | Use HEARTH or OVEN as appropriate. | Narrow term | 70740 | - |
COOKING STONE | A stone or stone platform in a fire upon which cooking vessels are placed. | Preferred term | 96764 | - |
COOKING VESSEL | Containers used for cooking. | Preferred term | 97227 | - |
COOKS FAN HOUSE | A building housing a steam driven ventilation fan used in mines | Preferred term | 143958 | - |
Cookshop | Narrow term | 91619 | - | |
COOLER | A container designed to assist in cooling foodstuffs or liquids. Use specific type where known. | Preferred term | 96765 | - |
3001 - 3030 of 12,437 records.