Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
Contravallation Narrow term 70737 -
Control Building Narrow term 167309 -
CONTROL ROOM A room in which actions are checked, verified and approved. Preferred term 137605 -
CONTROL ROOM A room or building housing the controls to a mechanized system, eg. in a power station, airport, etc. Preferred term 83029 -
CONTROL TOWER A high building at an airport from which air traffic is controlled by radio. Preferred term 87802 -
CONTROL TOWER (3860/42) A three-storey RNAS control tower, incorporating meteorological office on the ground floor and an air watch office on the second floor. Preferred term 140548 -
CONTROL TOWER (5223A/51) Central two-storeyed tower surmounted by an octagonal glazed control room giving a 360 degree view. Flanked by single-storey wings. Preferred term 164143 -
CONTROL TOWER (566/42) A four-storey RNAS control tower. The first floor contained offices for the commander flying and meteorological offices and the upper two floors, in the form of a central tower, provided offices for air traffic control. Preferred term 140549 -
CONVALESCENT HOME An establishment where patients can rest and recover after an operation or illness. Preferred term 71812 -
CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL A hospital where patients can rest and recover after an operation or illness. Medical facilities for treatment are also available. Preferred term 91612 -
Convent Use NUNNERY, DOUBLE HOUSE, MONASTERY or RELIGIOUS HOUSE. Use with order if known. Narrow term 70738 -
Convent Chapel Use CHAPEL and ABBEY or PRIORY. Narrow term 71655 -
Convent Of The Poor Clares Conventual order of nuns founded in 1253, inspired by the life of St Francis of Assisi Narrow term 151268 -
CONVENT SCHOOL A school conducted by members of a convent. Preferred term 71640 -
Conventual Chapel Use CHAPEL and ABBEY or PRIORY. Narrow term 91613 -
Conventual Church Use CHURCH and ABBEY or PRIORY. Narrow term 91614 -
CONVEYOR A mechanism used to transport minerals or granulated materials. Preferred term 145009 -
CONVEYOR BELT A machine consisting of a continuously moving band of fabric, rubber, or metal used for transporting people or objects from one place to another. Preferred term 159279 -
CONVICTS People who have been convicted of criminal offences. Traditionally criminals, even those convicted of petty offences, were transported from Europe to penal colonies in the Americas and Australia. Preferred term 78966 -
Convocation House Narrow term 91615 -
Cookery School Narrow term 91616 -
COOKHOUSE A camp kitchen, usually associated with the military. Preferred term 91617 -
Cooking Hearth Narrow term 70739 -
COOKING PIT A pit which shows evidence for having been used for cooking. Often contains charcoal, burnt bone fragments etc. Preferred term 91618 -
Cooking Place Use HEARTH or OVEN as appropriate. Narrow term 70740 -
COOKING STONE A stone or stone platform in a fire upon which cooking vessels are placed. Preferred term 96764 -
COOKING VESSEL Containers used for cooking. Preferred term 97227 -
COOKS FAN HOUSE A building housing a steam driven ventilation fan used in mines Preferred term 143958 -
Cookshop Narrow term 91619 -
COOLER A container designed to assist in cooling foodstuffs or liquids. Use specific type where known. Preferred term 96765 -

3001 - 3030 of 12,437 records.

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