Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
FARMHOUSE The main dwelling-house of a farm, it can be either detached from or attached to the working buildings. Preferred term 68560 -
FARMSTEAD The homestead of a farm consisting of a farmhouse and working farm buildings, with yards, other working areas and usually a garden to the house. Preferred term 68622 -
FARMYARD A yard or enclosure attached to a farmhouse, usually surrounded by other farm buildings. Preferred term 68582 -
FARMYARD CAUSEWAY An area of hardstanding to allow movement of farm transport in all weathers. Preferred term 91913 -
FASCIA One of two or three bands on a classical architrave, each projecting slightly beyiond the one below, often separated by enriched mouldings. Also a vertical band or board, such as that over a shop front on which its name is painted. Preferred term 137764 -
Fashion Wholesale Warehouse Narrow term 93937 -
FASTENING An item used to fasten, bind or join one item to another. Preferred term 137765 -
FASTENING An object to fasten, bind or join one item to another. Preferred term 96260 -
FATTENING HOUSE A building where animals are deliberately fattened before being killed for their meat. Preferred term 91914 -
Faunal Remains Narrow term - -
Feather Factory Narrow term 94395 -
FEATURE Areas of indeterminate function. Preferred term 78156 -
FEATURE An archaeological component which cuts, overlies or abuts other features such as ditches, pits and building foundations. Preferred term 137766 -
FEED MILL A building or site for the manufacture of livestock fodder. Preferred term 71775 -
FEEDER CHANNEL A channel or pipe providing water to a canal or other body of water. Preferred term 159255 -
FEEDING BOTTLE A vessel with a specially adapted mouthpiece, to assist in feeding young animals and humans. Preferred term 95711 -
Feeding Trough Narrow term 91915 -
Fellmongers Works Narrow term 94389 -
FELLMONGERY A building used for the preparation of animal skins and hides prior to the tanning process. Preferred term 129034 -
FELT Fabric manufactured from fibrous materials, consolidated by heat and compression so that the fibres become matted together. Preferred term 82908 -
FELT MILL A textile mill where felt is produced. Preferred term 91916 -
FENCE A construction of wood or metal used to enclose an area of land, a building, etc. Preferred term 70333 -
FENCING SCHOOL An establishment where the art of sword fencing is taught. Preferred term 91917 -
FERETORY An area in a church, sometimes defined by screens, containing a shrine. Also a shrine, usually portable, containing religious relics. Preferred term 137767 -
FERME ORNEE A rustic building of picturesque design, often associated with a model farm, country house or estate. Although ornamental in design they are intended to be functional. Preferred term 91918 -
Fermentation Block Narrow term 163240 -
FERMENTING BLOCK A group of buildings, or part of a works, housing apparatus used in the process of fermentation. Preferred term 91919 -
Fermenting Tower Narrow term 91920 -
FERNERY (GARDEN) Area of a garden for the cultivation of ferns. Preferred term 91921 -
FERNERY (GLASSHOUSE) A glasshouse for the cultivation of ferns. Preferred term 91922 -

4291 - 4320 of 12,437 records.

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