These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
FERRIS WHEEL | A large, vertical revolving wheel with passenger cars or pods on the periphery used to give a bird's eye view of the surrounding area. | Preferred term | 136730 | - |
FERRULE | A metal collar or cap to strengthen the end of tubes, sticks, shafts, etc. Use with specific object name where known eg spear and ferrule. | Preferred term | 96261 | - |
FERRY | A vessel designed for the transport of persons and goods from one place to another an a regular schedule of sailings. Covers both chain ferries and roll on roll off ships. | Preferred term | - | - |
FERRY CROSSING | A route across a river, or lake. Use only for small inland ferries and index with LANDING POINT/STAGE/STEPS or PIER where known. | Preferred term | 139645 | - |
FERRY CROSSING SHELTER | A structure providing protection from the elements to passengers waiting to board a ferry service at a dock, riverside, harbour or quay. | Preferred term | 142076 | - |
FERRY TERMINAL | An area of a port, dock or harbour, often including buildings for passport control and customs, where passengers and vehicles using ferry services can embark/disembark and where supplies can be taken on board. | Preferred term | 87456 | - |
FERRYKEEPERS COTTAGE | The residence of a ferrykeeper. | Preferred term | 71469 | - |
FERTILIZER | Substances, either natural or man-made, used to make soil more fertile. | Preferred term | 110933 | - |
FERTILIZER AND WASTE | Includes chemical and natural fertilizers and waste products. use more specific term. | Preferred term | 110934 | - |
Fertilizer Plant | Narrow term | 111553 | - | |
FERTILIZER STOREHOUSE | A building used to store fertilizers. | Preferred term | 111515 | - |
FERTILIZER WORKS | A building or site used for the production of both chemical and organic fertilizer. | Preferred term | 111513 | - |
FETTER | A shackle for the feet. | Preferred term | 99625 | - |
Fever Hospital | Narrow term | 91928 | - | |
FEVER WARD | An area of a building or complex, such as a workhouse, hospital or prison used to house infirm inmates suffering from fever. | Preferred term | 141428 | - |
Fiberglass Works | Narrow term | 164384 | - | |
FIBREGLASS WORKS | A factory used to manufacture fibreglass. | Preferred term | 164382 | - |
Fibula | Narrow term | - | - | |
FICHU | A triangle of cloth worn by ladies to cover the shoulders, neck and throat. | Preferred term | 100079 | - |
FIDDLE | A stringed musical instrument, usually played with a bow. | Preferred term | 95479 | - |
Fiddle Key Nail | Narrow term | - | - | |
FIELD | An area of land, often enclosed, used for cultivation or the grazing of livestock. | Preferred term | 68623 | - |
FIELD BARN | An isolated barn, cow house or shelter shed with a hayloft. Typically found in areas where farmsteads and fields were sited at a long distance from each other. | Preferred term | 71384 | - |
FIELD BOUNDARY | The limit line of a field. | Preferred term | 68625 | - |
FIELD CENTRE | Building used for field studies and outdoor pursuits in the countryside and in an urban context. | Preferred term | 91929 | - |
Field Clearance Cairn | Narrow term | 70713 | - | |
FIELD DRAIN | An unsocketed earthenware or porous concrete pipe laid end to end unjointed so as to drain the ground. | Preferred term | 91930 | - |
Field House | Narrow term | 71605 | - | |
FIELD KITCHEN | A temporary kitchen set up in the field providing food for troops. Use with MILITARY CAMP if existence of this is known. | Preferred term | 78189 | - |
FIELD SYSTEM | A group or complex of fields which appear to form a coherent whole. Use more specific type where known. | Preferred term | 68633 | - |
4321 - 4350 of 12,437 records.