These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
FIREWORKS | Explosive devices which produce spectacular visual effects when ignited. | Preferred term | 83959 | - |
FIRING CHAMBER | A protected chamber for investigating the controlled detonation and burning of explosive compounds, typically associated with a protected control room and high speed visual recording facilities. | Preferred term | 164381 | - |
Firing Loop | Narrow term | 94369 | - | |
FIRING PLATFORM | An area of a site or building providing a stable base for the firing of artillery pieces. | Preferred term | 143534 | - |
FIRING RANGE | A piece of ground over which small arms or large artillery may be fired at targets. For rocket and missile firing use ROCKET TEST FACILITY. | Preferred term | 68867 | - |
FIRING RANGE BLOCKHOUSE | A shelter on a firing range from which the wepaons testing can be viewed in safety. | Preferred term | 160511 | - |
Firing Range Shelter | Narrow term | 160512 | - | |
FIRING STEP | A cutting, bank or block positioned against the wall of a trench, fort, parapet etc. to allow riflemen to shoot over the crest of the wall or parapet from a standing position. | Preferred term | 139849 | - |
Firing Target | Narrow term | 83625 | - | |
FIRST AID POST | A building with first aid facilities to deal with accidents and other medical emergencies. | Preferred term | 94371 | - |
FIRST AID ROOM | A room set aside for the initial treatment of injuries sustained for example in public amenities such as lidos. | Preferred term | 141910 | - |
First Class Battleship | Narrow term | - | - | |
FIRST FLOOR HALL HOUSE | A high status building of the medieval period, consisting of a hall and attached room at first floor level with rooms below possibly for storage or living accommodation for a lower status family. The first floor was accessed by an external staircase. | Preferred term | 91944 | - |
FIRST RATE SHIP OF THE LINE | Preferred term | - | - | |
FISH | Any of a large group of cold blooded vertebrates who live exclusively in water. Also can refer to the flesh of fish which is eaten. | Preferred term | 79002 | - |
FISH AND CHIP SHOP | A shop where fish and chips are sold. | Preferred term | 71790 | - |
Fish Bone | Narrow term | - | - | |
FISH CELLAR | A building where fish are stored. Often taking the form of a single storey building with one room, but also may provide living accommodation for a fisherman above. Found mainly in the South West of England. | Preferred term | 69126 | - |
Fish Curing House | Narrow term | 91945 | - | |
Fish Factory | Narrow term | 91946 | - | |
FISH FARM | A farm with a pond, river, lake or tanks where fish are kept and bred for commercial purposes. | Preferred term | 71726 | - |
FISH GARTH | A holding tank/pen on a river or seashore for raising and preserving fish and/or for catching them easily. | Preferred term | 68594 | - |
FISH GORGE | An object used to catch fish. The line is tied in the middle of the fish gorge which then lodges in the throat after the fish has swallowed it. | Preferred term | 97364 | - |
FISH HOOK | A bent piece of metal or bone, often with a barb, which is tied to a line and used to catch fish. | Preferred term | 95471 | - |
FISH HOUSE | A building used for the storage of fish. | Preferred term | 71758 | - |
FISH KETTLE | A pan for cooking fish. | Preferred term | 100102 | - |
FISH LADDER | A series of steps designed to enable fish to ascend a fall of water or a dam. | Preferred term | 91947 | - |
FISH LOCK | A lock, often containing a fish ladder, which allows fish to swim upstream bypassing a weir or other obstacle. | Preferred term | 91948 | - |
FISH MARKET | A market where fish is sold. | Preferred term | 87666 | - |
Fish Net | Narrow term | - | - |
4441 - 4470 of 12,437 records.