Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
FORD A shallow place in a river or other stretch of water, where people, animals and vehicles may cross. Preferred term 70262 -
FORD KEEPERS COTTAGE The residence of a ford keeper. Preferred term 92005 -
FOREBUILDING A subsidiary tower or projection attached to the front of a keep containing access to its first floor entrance. Preferred term 139854 -
Forechoir Narrow term 137790 -
Forechurch Narrow term 137791 -
FORECOURT An enclosed area in front of a structure. Preferred term 137792 -
FORECOURT The court or enclosed space at the front of a building or structure. Preferred term 92006 -
FOREIGN LANGUAGE INSTITUTE A building in which an organization or society is instituted to promote foreign languages in England such as French and German, etc. Preferred term 92007 -
Foreign Office Narrow term 92008 -
FOREMANS HOUSE A purpose-built dwelling for the supervisor of a factory, mine or other industrial complex. Preferred term 92009 -
FOREST A large tract of land covered with trees and interspersed with open areas of land. Traditionally forests were owned by the monarchy and had their own laws. Preferred term 143482 -
FOREST COURT A medieval court established for the administration of forest law. Preferred term 92010 -
FOREST LODGE A building associated with the legal administration of a forest, eg. Forest of Dean. Preferred term 93987 -
Forestry School Narrow term 93991 -
FORGE A building or site where bloom iron or cast iron is forged into wrought iron. Preferred term 69225 -
Forge House Narrow term 92011 -
Forge Mill Narrow term 92012 -
FORK (TOOL) A handled tool with two or more prongs used for digging, cultivation etc. Preferred term 97161 -
FORK (UTENSIL) A hand held utensil with two or more prongs to hold food. Preferred term 96779 -
Fork Factory Narrow term 92013 -
Fork Prong Narrow term - -
FORMAL GARDEN A garden of regular, linear or geometrical design, often associated with the traditional Italian, French and Dutch styles. Preferred term 69017 -
FORT A permanently occupied position or building designed primarily for defence. Preferred term 68868 -
FORT ANNEXE A small enclosure built onto the perimeter of a Roman fortress or fort. Preferred term 68871 -
Fort Captains House Narrow term 94045 -
FORTIFICATION A usually permanent defensive work. Use specific type where known. Preferred term 68874 -
FORTIFIED BRIDGE A bridge which is fortified at one or both ends. Preferred term 122510 -
FORTIFIED BUILDING A building which has been fortified, often as a temporary measure rather than as part of the original design Preferred term 147241 -
FORTIFIED CHURCH Any church which bears signs of fortification. Churches on the Welsh and Scottish borders were often fortified, only allowing access to the tower from a single opening in the nave. Preferred term 92014 -
FORTIFIED HOUSE A house which bears signs of fortification. These often include crenellated battlements and narrow slit-like windows. Preferred term 68875 -

4711 - 4740 of 12,437 records.

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