These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
FOB | A fob can consist of a chain and or a ring. | Preferred term | 96692 | - |
Fodder Preparation Area | Narrow term | 77322 | - | |
FODDER STORE | A building used to prepare and store dry food such as hay and straw for the feeding of cattle. | Preferred term | 71768 | - |
Fog Battery | Narrow term | 111193 | - | |
FOG BELL | A bell mounted on an anchored vessel, buoy, headland, rock etc and rung as a warning to mariners in foggy weather. | Preferred term | 170008 | - |
FOG DISPERSAL PLANT | A system of petrol burners, pipework and pump houses on an airfield used to 'burn' away fog so that aircraft may take off and land safely. | Preferred term | 91985 | - |
FOG HORN | A structure found on lighthouses, piers, etc, capable of emitting a loud noise to warn shipping in foggy weather. | Preferred term | 91986 | - |
FOGOU | Underground chambers and stone passages of Iron Age date found in South West England. | Preferred term | 68996 | - |
FOIL | A fencing sword often used for recreational purposes. | Preferred term | 95150 | - |
Fold Garth | Narrow term | 91987 | - | |
Fold Yard | Narrow term | 91988 | - | |
FOLDING KNIFE | A knife with a hinged blade which folds into a slot in the handle. | Preferred term | 96932 | - |
Folk Moot | Narrow term | 91989 | - | |
FOLLY | A structure, often found in 18th century landscape gardens, that demonstrates eccentricity or excess rather than practical purpose. They can take many forms - ruins, sham castles, towers, hermits' cells or grottoes. | Preferred term | 69013 | - |
FONT | A receptacle to hold water used in baptism usually found in a baptistery or nave of a church. | Preferred term | 137788 | - |
FONT | A vessel, usually made of stone, which contains the consecrated water for baptism. Use a broader monument type if possible. | Preferred term | 69998 | - |
FONT | A vessel, usually made of stone, which contains the consecrated water for baptism. | Preferred term | 95973 | - |
Fontevraultine Alien Priory | Use both terms. | Narrow term | 91990 | - |
FONTEVRAULTINE DOUBLE HOUSE | A priory of double order of Fontevrault nuns and brethren. | Preferred term | 70138 | - |
Fontevraultine Priory | Use both terms. | Narrow term | 70881 | - |
FOOD | Includes raw and processed. | Preferred term | 79009 | - |
FOOD AND DRINK INDUSTRY SITE | Buildings, sites and structures associated with the large-scale production, processing and preserving of food and drink. | Preferred term | 91991 | - |
FOOD AND DRINK PROCESSING SITE | Terms included here are for small scale agricultural production. See also FOOD AND DRINK INDUSTRY SITE grouping in INDUSTRIAL class. | Preferred term | 91992 | - |
FOOD AND DRINK SERVING CONTAINER | Containers used to serve food and drink. Use appropriate term. | Preferred term | 97221 | - |
FOOD AND LIQUID STORAGE CONTAINER | A container for the storage and/or transport of food and/or liquid. | Preferred term | 99627 | - |
FOOD AND REST CENTRE | A building used as emergency accommodation and food distribution centre for people displaced by a natural disaster or conflict. | Preferred term | 167088 | - |
FOOD DEPOT | A building or site used for the storage and distribution of food. | Preferred term | 167087 | - |
FOOD DRYING KILN | A structure used for the drying of food using an indirect source of heat. | Preferred term | 91993 | - |
FOOD DRYING ROOM | A room with special ventilation used for the slow drying of foodstuffs. | Preferred term | 91994 | - |
FOOD GATHERING AND PREPARATION CONTAINER | Containers in which food and or drink is gathered or processed. | Preferred term | 97226 | - |
4651 - 4680 of 12,437 records.