These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
FLAME DEVICE | A WWII structure designed to project sheets of flame across an area such as a beach, the sea or a road, to hinder attacking forces. | Preferred term | 97265 | - |
Flame Fougasse | Narrow term | 97267 | - | |
FLAME RETARDANT MATERIAL FACTORY | A factory making flame retardant materials. | Preferred term | 164395 | - |
FLAN | A metal disk before it is stamped to become a coin. | Preferred term | - | - |
FLANGED AXEHEAD | A bronze axehead of earlier Bronze Age date the sides of which are raised, either by casting or hammering, to form flanges on both faces which aid hafting. Some types also feature a raised bar or stop between the flanges. | Preferred term | 97367 | - |
FLANKER | A battery mounted in the flank of a bastion from which flanking fire is directed across a curtain wall. | Preferred term | 91959 | - |
FLANKING TOWER | Small tower projecting from a castle wall, or other fortified wall. Allows defenders to fire along the length of the wall. | Preferred term | 91960 | - |
FLANNEL | Soft, loose-textured, woollen or man-made fabric. | Preferred term | 88463 | - |
FLARE KILN | A lime kiln where the fuel is not mixed with the limestone but burnt below it. | Preferred term | 162872 | - |
Flare Path | Narrow term | 164118 | - | |
FLASH LOCK | A form of lock on a river, which increased the depth upstream and had a gated opening. | Preferred term | 91961 | - |
FLASK | A bottle with a narrow neck used for wine oil etc. | Preferred term | 96776 | - |
Flat | Narrow term | 71672 | - | |
FLAT | A broad, flat-bottomed boat. | Preferred term | - | - |
FLAT ARCH | An arch which is formed by keystones but is flat like a lintel | Preferred term | 159274 | - |
FLAT AXEHEAD | An axehead of early Bronze Age date, made of copper or bronze, which is flat on both sides and generally lacks side flanges or other hafting aids. | Preferred term | 97368 | - |
Flat Grave Cemetery | Narrow term | 70866 | - | |
FLAT IRON | An object which when hot is used to smooth fabric. | Preferred term | 100181 | - |
FLAT ROOF | A roof with a slope of less than ten degrees to the horizontal. | Preferred term | 144997 | - |
FLATS | A purpose-built tenement. Use specific monument type where possible. | Preferred term | 71534 | - |
Flatted Factory | Narrow term | 91962 | - | |
FLATTER | A pair of flat faced tools used to smooth iron. | Preferred term | 97004 | - |
FLAX | The fibrous stalks of the plant, Linum usitatissimum, which can be processed and used to manufacture linen. | Preferred term | 79006 | - |
FLAX BEATER | An tool used to separate flax fibres from the wood and bark following retting. | Preferred term | 97005 | - |
FLAX BEATING STONE | A stone on which flax stems were beaten with wooden mallets, a process known as beetling. | Preferred term | 91963 | - |
FLAX DRESSING SHOP | A building used for the preparatory processes in which long and short staple flax fibres were separated by passing through combs. Flax dressing or 'heckling' shops may be located both on and off mill sites. | Preferred term | 71828 | - |
FLAX DRY HOUSE | A building used to dry flax. | Preferred term | 91964 | - |
Flax Dry Shed | Narrow term | 91965 | - | |
FLAX MILL | A mill where flax is processed to make linen, thread and yarn. | Preferred term | 69320 | - |
Flax Pounder | Narrow term | - | - |
4531 - 4560 of 12,437 records.