Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
Flax Retting Pit Narrow term 70867 -
Flax Spinning Mill Narrow term 87648 -
Flax Workers Cottage Narrow term 93946 -
Flax Workshop Narrow term 129036 -
FLEA MARKET A street market. Preferred term 91966 -
FLEAM An instrument for letting blood. Preferred term 97369 -
FLECHE A spire, or spirelet surmounting a roof, especially over the crossing of a French Gothic Cathedral. Preferred term 137775 -
FLEECING SHOP A workshop, associated with a tannery, in which the fleece is removed from the skin prior to the tanning process. Preferred term 91967 -
FLEET MESSENGER A vessel for carrying messages between warships. Preferred term - -
FLEET SUBMARINE Large submarine intended to operate with a surface fleet at sea. Preferred term - -
FLEMISH GABLE A gable with curved sides and an identifiable pediment. Preferred term 137776 -
Flesh Fork Narrow term - -
FLESH HOOK A pronged iron hook used in cookery. Preferred term 95778 -
Flesh Market Narrow term 91968 -
FLEUR DE LYS Decorative ornamentation of a formalized lily. Preferred term 137777 -
FLEURON Decorative ornamentation of a flower or leaf. Preferred term 137778 -
Flexed Burial Narrow term 70868 -
FLEXED INHUMATION A form of inhumation in which the skeleton is interred, usually on its side, with hip and knee joints bent through an angle of less than 90 degrees. Preferred term 70035 -
FLIGHT OFFICE Building block (often a temporary brick structure or Nissen hut) comprising office accommodation for flight commanders and flight sergeants as well as pilots' rest rooms, storerooms and locker rooms. Some flight offices have central corridors. Preferred term 140199 -
FLINT Stone consisting of nearly pure silica, which can be used as a building material or knapped to produce flint objects. Preferred term 79007 -
Flint Implement Narrow term - -
FLINT KILN Component part of a Flint Mill where flint is calcined before it is brittle enough to be ground in the mill. Ground, burnt flint is used in the production of earthenware pottery, which whitens and strenghens the body. Preferred term 134654 -
Flint Knapping Site Narrow term 70869 -
FLINT MILL A mill for crushing flint. Crushed flint was used in the manufacture of pottery in order to whiten and strengthen the body of earthenware pottery. Preferred term 69087 -
FLINT MINE A site where flint seams within chalk have been exploited by digging deep vertical shafts, often with horizontal galleries radiating out from the base. Use for Neolithic examples and for Post Medieval gunflint industry. Preferred term 69346 -
FLINT SCATTER A spatially discrete, though sometimes extensive, scatter of flint artefacts recovered from the surface, eg. by fieldwalking, rather than from a particular archaeological context. Preferred term 70369 -
Flint Working Site Narrow term 69390 -
Flintlock Use appropriate term. Narrow term - -
FLINTLOCK MUSKET A musket fired by use of a flintlock. A gunflint is held in the lock which on pulling the trigger pushes back the pan cover creating sparks which set off the powder in the pan causing a flame to go through and set off the charge in the barrel. Preferred term 95899 -
FLINTLOCK PISTOL A pistol fired by use of a flintlock.A gunflint is held in the lock which on pulling the trigger pushes back the pan cover creating sparks which set off the powder in the pan causing a flame to go through and set off the charge in the barrel. Preferred term 100018 -

4561 - 4590 of 12,437 records.

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