These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
FISHING REEL | A device for winding and casting a fishing line, consisting of a revolving spool with a handle attached to a fishing rod. | Preferred term | 96382 | - |
FISHING ROD | A long tapered flexible pole used with a fishing line and usually with a fishing reel. | Preferred term | 95611 | - |
FISHING SHIEL | Small vernacular building used by fishermen for the preparing of nets and storage of equipment. | Preferred term | 147356 | - |
FISHING SITE | Buildings, sites and structures associated with the farming of fish. | Preferred term | 91955 | - |
Fishing Temple | Narrow term | 91956 | - | |
FISHING VESSEL | A vessel or craft used for catching or harvesting marine life by a variety of methods, use specific method where known. | Preferred term | - | - |
FISHMONGERS SHOP | A shop where fish is sold. | Preferred term | 71718 | - |
FISHPOND | A pond used for the rearing, breeding, sorting and storing of fish. | Preferred term | 68600 | - |
Fitness Club | Narrow term | 141449 | - | |
FITNESS SUITE | A room or rooms containing fitness equipment such as running machines and weights. | Preferred term | 141827 | - |
FITTERS WORKSHOP | Engineering workshop intended either for final adjustments of new machinery or the fitting of replacement parts to machinery under repair. | Preferred term | 71836 | - |
FIVES COURT | A wall and area of ground where the game of fives is played. | Preferred term | 69942 | - |
Fixed Defence Light | Narrow term | 103113 | - | |
FIXED ENGINE | A stationary winding steam engine positioned at the top of a railway incline for hauling up trains and locomotives. | Preferred term | 137772 | - |
FIXED QUAY CRANE | A crane that is fixed to a quay and used for the loading and unloading of cargo. | Preferred term | 137773 | - |
FIXED QUAY CRANE | A crane fixed to a quay, used for the unloading of ships cargoes. | Preferred term | 91957 | - |
FIXTURES AND FITTINGS | Accessories used in furnishing and embellishing a building or structure. | Preferred term | 137774 | - |
FIXTURES AND FITTINGS | Objects used to secure buildings, furniture or objects or used in the finishing and (non-structural) decoration of buildings, equipment and furniture. | Preferred term | 97692 | - |
FLAG | A piece of fabric with a design, used as an emblem for military or naval purposes, signalling, decoration, display, propaganda etc. | Preferred term | 96420 | - |
Flag Pole | Narrow term | 91958 | - | |
Flagellum | Narrow term | - | - | |
Flageolet | Narrow term | - | - | |
FLAGON | Container with a handle, spout and narrow neck. | Preferred term | 96775 | - |
FLAGPOLE | A freestanding staff upon which a flag is hung. | Preferred term | 87927 | - |
FLAGS | Pieces of material, usually decorated, used as standards, for signalling or for decoration. Often used as a symbol of a particular nation eg. the Union Flag of Great Britain. | Preferred term | 87617 | - |
FLAGSTONE | A flat stone usually used as a form of pavement. | Preferred term | 137062 | - |
Flagstones | Narrow term | 79005 | - | |
FLAIL | A tool for threshing grain. | Preferred term | 95777 | - |
FLAKE | A flake of stone struck from the core where the length is less than twice the width. | Preferred term | 97321 | - |
FLAKED AXEHEAD | An axehead of flint or other stone commonly used for Neolithic types. | Preferred term | 97365 | - |
4501 - 4530 of 12,437 records.