Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
FISH OIL Oil manufactured from fish. Preferred term 79003 -
Fish Pond Narrow term 94386 -
FISH PROCESSING FACTORY A factory where fish are processed into food products. Preferred term 87689 -
FISH PROCESSING SITE A place where fish are processed after being caught. Preferred term 69127 -
Fish Processing Unit Narrow term 91949 -
FISH REMAINS Use for the remains of any part of a fish. Preferred term 95091 -
FISH SMOKER An object used to preserve fish by immersing the fish in smoke. Preferred term 96774 -
Fish Smoking House Narrow term 91950 -
Fish Sorting Tank Narrow term 83629 -
FISH SPEAR A long pointed weapon used to catch fish by stabbing. Preferred term 95774 -
FISH STONE A stone slab, raised on stone or wooden piers, used for the display of fresh fish. Usually found in market places. Preferred term 68790 -
FISH TANK A small brick structure attached to a house for keeping fish prior to cooking. Preferred term 83579 -
FISH TRAP A device for catching fish, may be a portable or permanent structure, often a fence or row stakes made in a river, harbour, etc Preferred term 68595 -
FISH TRAP A trap designed and used to catch fish. Preferred term 95775 -
FISH WAREHOUSE A large building where fish are stored before sale. Preferred term 91951 -
FISH WEIR A fence or row of stakes, often with nets attached forming an enclosure within a river or harbour and used for catching, or holding, fish. Preferred term 68596 -
FISHERIES PROTECTION VESSEL A vessel for policing fishing grounds and fishing vessels. Preferred term - -
FISHERMANS HOUSE A purpose-built fisherman's house, eg. a house with a first floor dwelling and ground floor fish store, or a house with a watch tower for spotting shoals. Preferred term 91953 -
Fishermans Hut Narrow term 140130 -
FISHERMENS FASTENER An unidentified feature on the seabed recorded by fishermen as an obstruction to trawling. Preferred term 78809 -
FISHERY An area where fish are naturally present, eg. part of a river. Preferred term 68593 -
FISHERY MOUND A mound used to elevate buildings associated with a fishery e.g. smoke houses, above the level of a flood plain. Preferred term 68598 -
FISHING BASKET A basket for the storage and transport of fishing equipment. For the storage and transport of fish use creel. Preferred term 95609 -
Fishing Baulk Narrow term 68599 -
FISHING GEAR Equipment used to catch fish Preferred term 79004 -
FISHING LINE Line used with hooks attached to it in order to catch fish. Preferred term 95610 -
FISHING LODGE A garden building on an estate used by fishing parties. Preferred term 71701 -
FISHING NET A net used in fishing to catch or land fish. Preferred term 95776 -
FISHING OBJECT A tool, piece of equipment, container or other object used for or in fishing. Preferred term 97681 -
FISHING PAVILION A waterside building from which one could fish. Preferred term 91954 -

4471 - 4500 of 12,437 records.

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