Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
FRAME Use specific type where known, eg picture frame. Preferred term 96514 -
Frame Harp Narrow term - -
Frame Knitters Workshop Narrow term 92021 -
FRAME YARD A small enclosure containing cold frames, often of brick and glass construction, usually situated against the exterior of a walled garden's south-facing garden. Preferred term 159387 -
Frameshop Narrow term 92022 -
FRAMEWORK KNITTERS COTTAGE The dwelling and workshop of a framework knitter. Preferred term 92023 -
Framework Knitters House Narrow term 92024 -
FRAMEWORK KNITTERS WORKSHOP A room or building for hand knitting garments on simple hand frames. Preferred term 146429 -
FRANCIS WATER TURBINE A mixed-flow reaction water turbine, developed in the USA in 1840 by James Bichino Francis, in which water enters the runner radially and leaves axially. Preferred term 137797 -
FRANCISCA An axe used by the Saxons and Franks for throwing. Preferred term 95186 -
Franciscan Abbey Use both terms. Narrow term 70894 -
FRANCISCAN FRIARY A friary belonging to the Franciscan order. Includes houses of both Friars Minor and Friars Observant or Capuchins. Preferred term 70144 -
FRANCISCAN NUNNERY An abbey of Franciscan nuns also known as Minoresses or Poor Clares. Preferred term 70171 -
Frater Narrow term 138972 -
Frater Narrow term 92025 -
Free Church Narrow term 92026 -
Free Grammar School Narrow term 92027 -
Free Library Narrow term 92028 -
Free Methodist Chapel Narrow term 92029 -
FREE SCHOOL A school where no fees were charged. Preferred term 92030 -
Freemasons Asylum Narrow term 92031 -
FREEMASONS HALL A meeting place for freemasons. Preferred term 71673 -
Freemasons Lodge Narrow term 92032 -
Freemasons Temple Narrow term 92033 -
Freestore Narrow term 92034 -
FREIGHTER A single decked cargo vessel carrying the majority of its cargo on deck. Preferred term - -
French Institute Narrow term 92035 -
French Protestant Church Narrow term 92036 -
French Protestant School Narrow term 92037 -
FRENCH WINDOW A casement window, carried down to floor level, and opening like two-leafed glazed doors to a garden, veranda or terrace. Preferred term 137798 -

4771 - 4800 of 12,437 records.

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