These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
FORTIFIED MANOR HOUSE | A manor house, which was granted a royal licence to crenellate. | Preferred term | 68876 | - |
Fortilace | Narrow term | 70889 | - | |
FORTLET | A fortified Roman site, usually under 1 hectare in area, strategically situated, housing small military patrols, often defended by a rampart, one or two ditches and a gate. | Preferred term | 68877 | - |
FORTRESS | A major fortified place, often a town, capable of containing a large force. If Roman use LEGIONARY FORTRESS. | Preferred term | 68880 | - |
FORUM | A large, rectangular open space at the centre of a Roman town, incorporating public spaces and a market area. | Preferred term | 68705 | - |
FOUGASSE | A pit filled with rocks and metal, designed to be fired with an explosive charge. | Preferred term | 160529 | - |
Fougou | Narrow term | 70878 | - | |
Foundation | Where building foundation use specific site type where known. | Narrow term | 70892 | - |
FOUNDATION | The lowest part, or base, of a structure, sometimes built into the ground, on which the weight of the whole rests. | Preferred term | 139775 | - |
FOUNDATION STONE | A stone, usually inscribed, laid during a ceremony to commemorate the founding of a new building | Preferred term | 140407 | - |
Foundation Stone | Narrow term | - | - | |
Foundling Hospital | Narrow term | 92015 | - | |
Foundling Hospital Chapel | Use both terms. | Narrow term | 92016 | - |
Foundling Hospital School | Narrow term | 92017 | - | |
FOUNDRY | A workshop or factory for casting metals. | Preferred term | 69228 | - |
FOUNTAIN | An artificial aperture from which water springs. The water supply usually came from a lake or reservoir higher up in order to ensure the necessary flow and pressure. More recently fountains have been powered by pumps. | Preferred term | 69014 | - |
FOUNTAIN HOUSE | A building, in a garden, park or open space, either housing a fountain or the machinery which powers one. | Preferred term | 92018 | - |
FOUR CENTRED ARCH | A pointed arch which, on a plan, is shown to be constructed around four arcs: two centred below and two centred upon the springing line, which is the level at which the vertical sides of the arch begin to curve. | Preferred term | 137793 | - |
Four Centred Arch Bridge | Narrow term | 122497 | - | |
Four Poster | Narrow term | 70893 | - | |
FOUR POSTER STONE CIRCLE | A stone circle featuring four upright stones standing at the corners of an irregular quadrilateral. The monument may feature more than 4 stones, overall, but the corner stones are often the most prominent. | Preferred term | 70192 | - |
FOURDRINIER MACHINE | A machine for making paper in a continuous length. | Preferred term | 137794 | - |
FOURNEYRON WATER TURBINE | An outward radial flow reaction water turbine. | Preferred term | 137795 | - |
FOURTH RATE SHIP OF THE LINE | Preferred term | - | - | |
Fowl House | Narrow term | 92019 | - | |
FOX COVERT | A small area of managed woodland, created to provide cover for foxes. | Preferred term | 162873 | - |
Fox Hole | Narrow term | 94820 | - | |
Fox Trap | Narrow term | 121263 | - | |
Foyer | Narrow term | 137796 | - | |
FRAGRANCE GARDEN | A garden specifically planted with sweet smelling, fragrant plants. | Preferred term | 92020 | - |
4741 - 4770 of 12,437 records.