These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
FRUIT AND VEGETABLE WAREHOUSE | A warehouse used for the storage of fruit and/or vegetables. | Preferred term | 103052 | - |
Fruit Exchange | Narrow term | 92044 | - | |
Fruit Garden | Narrow term | 94392 | - | |
FRUIT GROWING WALL | A usually south-facing wall used for the cultivation of fruit plants. | Preferred term | 94001 | - |
Fruit Shop | Narrow term | 92045 | - | |
FRUIT STORE | A building used for the storage of picked fruit. | Preferred term | 71508 | - |
FRYING PAN | A long handled shallow pan used for frying. | Preferred term | 96780 | - |
FUEL | Materials or substances, including petrol, firewood etc., used as a source of heat or power. | Preferred term | 79011 | - |
Fuel Break | Narrow term | 151888 | - | |
FUEL DEPOT | A building or site used for the storage and distribution of fuel. | Preferred term | 167090 | - |
FUEL PRODUCTION SITE | Includes sites associated with extraction. | Preferred term | 92046 | - |
FUEL STORE | A place where material used for burning is stored. | Preferred term | 70370 | - |
FUEL TANK | A large, usually metal, container used for the storage of liquid fuels. | Preferred term | 167323 | - |
Fueler | Narrow term | - | - | |
FUELLING STATION | A facility used for the storage and distribution of fuel for transportation. Often associated with dockyards and railways. | Preferred term | 162959 | - |
Full Cruck | Narrow term | 137802 | - | |
FULL RIGGED SHIP | A vessel carrying square sails on all masts and having three or more masts. | Preferred term | - | - |
FULLER | A pair of round edged tools like chisels to make a groove in iron. | Preferred term | 97007 | - |
FULLERS EARTH | Sedimentary clay with smectite mineral properties, originally used for the cleansing ["fulling"] of cloth; in the 20th century it was used for a wider range of industrial applications. | Preferred term | 143178 | - |
FULLERS EARTH PIT | A pit for the extraction of fullers earth (a hydrous silicate of alumina), which was used for cleansing, and finishing, cloth and wool. | Preferred term | 69107 | - |
Fullery | Narrow term | 92047 | - | |
FULLING MILL | A mill for beating and cleaning cloth, using soap or fullers earth. | Preferred term | 69321 | - |
FULLING ROLLER | A roller used in the fulling process to felt cloth. | Invalid term | - | - |
FULLING STOCKS | Large wooden hammer beams pounding cloth in a fulling solution. | Preferred term | 69408 | - |
FULLING VAT | A large container used for the process of cleansing and thickening cloth by beating and washing. | Preferred term | 96856 | - |
FUMIGATORY | A room within a building or complex, such as a workhouse, used for purifying objects with smoke. | Preferred term | 141266 | - |
FUN HOUSE | Fairground attraction designed to create optical illusions to give a sense of unbalance and unease. | Preferred term | 143197 | - |
FUNCTION ROOM | A place where social and other functions such as parties, presentations and meetings can be held. | Preferred term | 92048 | - |
FUNCTION ROOM | A room set aside within a building where social and other functions such as parties, presentations and meetings can be held. | Preferred term | 159403 | - |
FUNDAMENTAL BENCH MARK | Used by Ordnance Survey to record high accuracy height above Ordnance Datum Newlyn. Marked by a low concrete pillar, and maybe surrounded by railings, they comprise an underground chamber protecting the reference point, built directly onto stable bedrock. | Preferred term | 160452 | - |
4831 - 4860 of 12,437 records.